Saturday 29 November 2014

The Brain Games.

Hello my dear readers

So it's Friday, to be frank with all of you I have no idea how this week passed was just thinking "is it already Friday "?  this morning, so the thought for today would be, what my teacher used to say many years ago! Which is "you can buy anything under the sun, but time, so use your time in the proper direction "I would never forget that.

Moving on with today's topic if your guessing that, is it about a review on the famous tv show which is aired on national geographic channel because the name seems so obvious your right, I got the previlage to write,reviewers for them?!

I was just joking there, this is the most common trick, and I got you, actually not you, your brain the moment you read the last paragraph, you were like, wow you mean this guy got chance from natgeo? not bad for him!

So what just happened was that the neurons responsible for that "wow" feeling got activated, and expressed emotions which were so motivating, that you smiled at this page.

Again the whole episode was a game, which was only started by me, but actually played by your brain.

Our brain has this awesome predicting power, which is actually, a survival technique according to science, and it is a way to make us feel that  everything is normal.

Our feelings are based on how the brain reacts, this reaction is based on 2 things,your Knowledge on what you saw, and your genes?

It is actually true that some part of the feelings and the way we react and our expressions are linked to our parents!

In the beginning of the blog when I surprised  you at first you fell for it, but now without  your Knowledge you are being a little relaxed on reading this as you know, that it was a joke, they call this in science as the ' after surprised effect' you can Google about it,very interesting to read.

Our day to day life is all about this effect, starting from your shock of getting up late and running to catch the 8 am bus, and again,when you slept and realised "oh what am exciting day it was, how could I manage everything so well?

So continue to get surprised, each day because, that is the path for new learning happy weekend. Thanks for your time.

Saturday 22 November 2014

The Dimensional World.

Hello readers 

Hope your doing great,here comes the weekend,time is just passing like leaves falling from a tree,let me start with a thought:"The person who accepts his mistakes ,and learns to forgive his enemies will be the most successful person in the world."

Getting on with my topic for the day,basically we all know that dimensions do exist ,science says we are living in a three dimensional world,which we all do feel and agree with ,and there are various theory like the string theory ,which says they are multiple or infinite dimensions,which occurred due to a series repels after the big bang, that is also being accepted  for a certain extent and still is been further researched by scientists.

But the dimensional world I want to talk about is the "changing dimension"! well what is this new concept  of changing dimensions,are you thinking ,how can X-axis become Y-axis?,your pretty much right ,but not completely right.

The 'Changing Dimension' will leave you so surprised that you will change your way of thinking and taking this biggest activity called  life! 

Before I confuse you further let me give you an example,just put yourself in this situation:You have just left to work ,and the day is according to you  very critical,with lot of meetings,which will probably squeeze you to be the top-performer of the year!when all is going well ,you suddenly receive a call from your boss,to quit that meeting as your assistance is required in resolving some other issue,I think now your catching my drift of how? this dimension changed! from a very exciting meeting to a dull meeting with your boss?

The point is we may be thinking  these are just situations,not something to do with the dimensions or science,but if you,give it a deep thought ,you will find that the happiness you enjoyed,those brief moments inside that big conference room,feeling that you may get that higher position,suddenly lit lights inside your mind,and you experienced that feeling that you and only you an recollect,that is what I call ,the new dimension of your own happiness.

Similarly they are other situations ,where a normal day ends up into a tragic incident that will change your future forever,in this instance,all those lights in your mind switch off and there is this dry,dark,place which is  nothing but your own negative thoughts,this is also a dimension in which your living and suffering with it,the dimension of agony.

We as human beings do not live on instincts we live,in the most advanced social environment of all times ,so just think about this now?how many dimensions do we change each moment we live!? you go inside a dimension while talking to a

friend,watching a movie,chatting with your brother who lives abroad,and the next moment your back where you are and laugh yourself silly?

The person who can live in all dimensions that keep challenging him day-in and day -out and swim out of it will be the best person god has created.

Thanks for your time see you again next week,thanks to all my readers who have helped me reach 900 views, you have been the sole motivators to expand my thoughts each week.

Friday 14 November 2014

The Stored Secrets.

Hi readers,
Great to be back,happy,Ok before I start my topic today, there are many people, who always say, I have my moments,  please give me some time.

So what is the actual meaning of this phrase?

First of all what are these moments? these people are taking about are they happy momenta or sad? Well the answer I would give is, "well my dear Sir I do not know, I just enjoyed the moments as they came, irrespective of their happiness or, whatever was in store for me!"

I think some of you may think that my answer was rude, but sorry to disagree with you, it is the truth,I have heard many people talk about future, they say that the future of any individual is what, they become, wish to become, on the contrary there are another batch of people who say, the future is uncertain!

Who is right? If you ask me I would reply they both are right,because the first statement is valid, for those young lads who are in the peak of their careers, schooling, collectively called as education, and the latter holds, good for the, brave people, like a soldiers and farmers who always plays a game of fate, with their lives? But it also holds good for common people like you and me.

The moment we were born, we started our journey, whose end is for sure, some day, but it is uncertain.

Can you make your future, predictable that you can be more smarter than a fortune genie? I don't believe in them,but for those who do believe they can try this and see if the results match.

But whatever the fortune tellers say, and what happens after that is merely a coincidence, except for some rare cases.

When we started this journey called, initially you were told, which road to travel,which lane to turn, eventually you got the ability to decide on your own, and started travelling, let me stop there,Mark that day where you started, hunting for your wants and desires all by yourself that decides your future.

These are stored secrets which unfold, like the levels which progress in a game as you advance each stage towards the end of that game.

At the end of each level we may have to face a huge villan, who is difficult to defeat,if we compare it to life it may be a bad habit you learnt, a bad friend because of whom you were highlighted for the wrong reasons and so on.

There are also situations of anti -climax where good people end up in drains, there loved ones, suddenly collapse due to a disease, and his poor son on his happiest day is just stumped.Is like that unfair level in that game where your enemy is just winning in an unfair way! that is the so called famous term called "luck"!

So this is how my dear friends this greatest program called life works, let's get used to it and win that game once for all.

All the best to all of you have a great day ahead.

Saturday 8 November 2014

The Great Minds.

Hello readers

Hope your doing good, it's Saturday again the only 2 days where we the corporate junkies can relax a bit and have some personal time! Let me start with a thought.
              simplicity is not so simple
-charlie Chaplin
              Moving on, I wanted to talk about some people and some organizations which have always amazed me and try to understand the energy and spark that keeps them going on achieving their goals by facing all the issues and challenges.

                 If a group of people, work together in coordination to each other with a specific goal in mind, it becomes an organization of people.
               some history about the concept of how this type of systems emerged,the best known natural organization in the world even today is the ant colony!

               organisations emerge for a common cause which was seen as important by the founders who built it!
                 Lets talk about few founders, if we take the car industry we first remember sir Henary Ford, whose cars are still one of the best.

               when we talk about one the earliest inventions of vehicles,we should remember the great Macmillan, who created the first bicycle, which is now the most eco-friendly vehicle.

               Another important invention was the light bulb by Sir Thomas Edison, well the list is endless.
               One common truth is that we need to catch is, these inventors were simple men like you and me, and if you read about their life, they were less fortunate than us, and sulked in poverty and other problems.

                But there was a spark that kept them going, what we, the current generation lack is this spark.It is the spark of self confidence,self motivation, the urge to achieve, risk taking ability, and being selfless.
                 To develop this spark there is only one person who can help you that's you?! Surprised? Please don't be unless you have a clear motive,and start doing something from scratch, you cannot become an inventor.

            Now to the part that always leaves me wondering, and these are facts,
all inventions, are considered and have been used by man in one way or the other, the world survives on inventions which enable the flow of new ideas.

             The organisations are also brilliant, and are equally important,
the makers of this huge goal-oriented        firms are to be saluted, as they have generated jobs,to so many people who work in there.

              To conclude, let's all aim to create one new thing each day, rather than just stick to our books,and learn nothing at the end, because our creativity determines, the survival of this eco-system.who knows one day we make become the founder of a great organization or a great inventor, let's keep trying from today.

                Thanks for your time, a very good morning to all,enjoy your day.

Tussle- Story about a fight.

Hello Readers   I hope you all are doing great; it has been a long time since I wrote a blog, I have been a bit busy, but it is a great fe...