Saturday 22 August 2020

Sun, The Rainbow and Rain.

Hello readers

 Hope you all are doing well

 Look deep into nature, and you will understand everything better.

-Albert Einstein

 Hope is a beautiful thing, I think it is the best of things, it blossoms new possibilities each day.

 "Our life and times" are often used in conversations with people of all ages, what it means is how were things at their times and their experiences.

 A large-hearted read today, no technical stuff or conceptual stuff.

 Sun, the Rainbow and rain, this blog is in the making from quite some time, well to be precise I would say some years now.

 I have been contemplating situations, experiences, beliefs, and disbelief within me as far as I have seen in my life, finally I think this is apt time to publish.

 Service -mindedness is a boon I would say, and only the service-minded people, understand the joy of it.

 We all go through situations in life, what do we learn from those situations is what matters.

 Suppose you went on for a rough patch in your life say for a couple of years that is the time you can differentiate between your friends and foe.

 There will be people who will help you and some people whom you thought were your buddies.

 That was lesson number one, next comes your maturity and loneliness teaches you a lot I would say.

The former is what you arrive at after the phase is over,the latter is actually a state of mind, do you know that we feel lonely not because you do not have people to communicate, maybe your intellect wants its free space to heal itself, it chooses loneliness!

 The sun is an awe-inspiring heavenly body I would say, I fold my hands to bow to the sun daily, for its radiance, for its glory, for its grace.

 The Rainbow signifies joy, it splits the sunlight and shows the dance of nature to all of us.

 I annotate rain to hope and prosperity!

 Now just think for a second, these three phenomena, the sun the Rainbow and rain, they have always been in our lives.

 These natural phenomena just happen, at some point of each year, and they add meaning to our life.

 I know they are non-living and happen due to laws of physics, but they add so much value to the living.

 But I want to fathom them, as three people who are always there to fill us with joy, hope, and well-being.

 For a moment, can we all not be them?

 Why can't we become the sun to a person who is engulfed in darkness? A rainbow to a blind person and bring a rain of happiness to the dejected.

 To be honest, I have was not an empathic person back in time, but when I understood that it is essential to be empathetic I started being one.

I feel so fresh and my purpose of life uplifts each time I help a soul.

 All the world's possibilities in man are waiting as the tree remains for its seed, said Sri Aurobindo a great saint and freedom fighter.

 Let us all try to be in a giving mode, as it is divine, let not the illusion of ego and arrogance hold you back.

 If you feel a person in need of your help, give it all you have got, why wait for the person to ask your advice or seek help .

 Seriously I see it has brought smiles on people faces, and they are so thankful for that.

 You become wiser, blessed and  in their prayers, I think that is the best you can get in life.

 Nothing much nears to that.


Courtesy Google Images.

 Well, these 698 words has a small story: started writing this  in 2017, was in my drafts for three years! The reason maybe I thought it is too touchy!

 But I feel this needs to be told, I had mentioned in one of my blogs this year that, help is a religion.

 It is true it is, indeed, a religion without any deity, leader, or a book, it is just actions which benefit another person who is need of it!

 I thank Keith McCarthy from New- Zealand, whom I had discussed this literature with, for her motivation to write this one, Keith I owe you one!

 Thanks a lot for your time.

 Enjoy your week.


Sunday 16 August 2020

Carte Blanche- A Story Of Freedom

 Hello Readers


How are you today? Hope you are just keeping yourself cheerful and dandy!


The sanctity of law can be maintained only so long as it is the expression of the will of the people.

- Shaheed Bhagat Singh


What can we do and what we cannot, is defined by a simple word “freedom”.


The word  free is existent since the beginning of time.


It has been there even before we came into the picture, I wouldn’t say the world doesn’t have rules, it does, and those rules are defined by force, nature and I consider nature as a mother and the whole world and the things in it as her children.


It is a cycle; actually, there is no mercy in the way the world works, life and death are considered the same by nature, one sunrise other is twilight.


Humans divided themselves as fruitarians and non-vegetarians, that is only when civilization came to existence, and when we learnt to cultivate plants and could make sense of what is edible.


Okay! Turning the wheel of time a little bit forward, we are all civilized, and the dark ages and the benighted ages are over!


The world is now moved towards the industrial revolution, and with the help of mighty vessels and steamers, people started exploring the world and finding new sea-routes and trading beyond borders.


By now, some have realized where I am getting to, if some of you guessed if it is remotely related to colonization and our freedom struggle, Bravo! You are right.


The typical way forward from this point is to talk about the various invasions on India from the various western, Turkish and many more Kings and cantonments and finally, the Brits settling here for almost most of of their lives, putting India into deep poverty, slavery and turmoil and finally the mutiny which got us freedom.


But I would like to talk about something other than the usual, in the light of the freedom and Independence Day, which we just celebrated for the 73rd time yesterday.


Freedom- Simple, isn’t it? What are the first thoughts you get when you listen to this word freedom?


Clapping your hands in bliss and running in a cornfield? Or a pigeon flying high up in the sky?


Well, they are depictions or perceptions or the thoughts which are injected to us by watching so many movies!


When I think about freedom, I don’t get such fancy thoughts or images atleast now, I look at what it has costed to experience this freedom today?


The sacrifices are what revolves around my head! Followed by the mindset.


The mindset of the people who decided to fight against what kept us handcuffed, enslaved, and bootlegged.


Have we realized their level of maturity, their organization skills, planning, management and the heroism fluxed with emotions for their motherland?


I would say all the freedom fighters, I do not want to mention names because if one selected a diplomatic way to get us freedom, another picked up a howitzer.


But finally, they had one thing in common, a country which could spread its wings and fly the way it wanted.


India removed its shackles and became free from the colonists in 1947.


Just one day after our Independence Day, let us respect the essence of freedom and realize what has it taken to reach here.


Courtesy Google images


If today you can do whatever you want, there is people’s effort, pain, blood, and sacrifice behind it.


The Idea of free India is just brilliant, but the effort it has taken to reach till here is a herculean effort, we all need to work and move in the directions these elders thought us to, for they are the only ones whom I consider as elders!


Let us all always keep that in mind and respect those selfless, heroic souls.


Finally, let us not satisfy ourselves and enter a comfortable space. 


There is still a lot to be done and take our country to new heights, lets us all be only partially satisfied so that we keep on improving our motherland.


Wishing you all freedom and happiness.


Thanks a lot for your time, have a great day ahead.


Monday 10 August 2020

Benefactor - A ray of hope!

Hello Readers


Hope this blog finds you happy and well!


Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies. Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier. ... The hunger for love is much more difficult to remove than the hunger for bread.” If you can’t feed a hundred people, then feed just one.

-Mother Teresa 


The recent events in the world and our lives are revealing a lot about us.

When I say revealing a lot about us, I mean, our qualities.


This is a survival situation, our brain is the most sophisticated and robust all-round analyzer available in this world, it can think about multiple things in, numerous dimensions.


We are all in a ready to-act mode; we are all very alert and acting according to the situation and the primary task for this year is survival.


We all react to situations and also perform actions based on the stimuli, a small instance of what is your first reaction if you listen to a loud thud outside your window.


Either you run towards it to find out what happened, or you close your ears and stay indoors and later find out from others.


The above example is to explain a typical behavioural pattern.


About today’s focus, it’s one of the first areas I used to write about, and I think one of the essential factors which actually drove me towards writing!


I started by etching thoughts on behavioural psychology, how I would react if I put myself in certain situations and also the need to stay away from materialism.


I wrote a blog sometime back titled what is money?: it was about using money as an enabler to exchange goods and services and using its productively and not to become a spendthrift or a lavish spender who ponders around all their wealth.


Switching gears philanthropy is almost the noblest thing to do in a person’s life and to do that I think first we need to come out of the box.


This is the box of selfishness and materialism, we keep filling this box with wealth and more wealth and finally pass it to your progeny and your progeny  will continue to do the same, which leads to wealth duplication, I think is a endless worm hole!


Have we thought about the purpose? Why are we acquiring so much wealth which is beyond what we need? Greed, avaricious, no higher thoughts or is it the influence of the society on us.


I would say it’s just an individual perspective, its whether you want to do it or don’t want to, simple and clear.


Materialistic VS ungreedy

In the process of wealth creation, sometimes we lose direction and sight of where are we heading? And end up happy with our own sweet lives and behave hypocritically when we see a person in pain and struggle, which someone we know is undergoing, and then chant the name of the lord in the evening prayer asking him to shower you and all of whom you identify with peace and prosperity.


But do we know there is something even more godly that we can do as humans, why can’t we think of donating, detaching a little bit from our wealth?


How many of us have experienced real joy, this is a different type of happiness, only a person who shares his joy and ready to go an extra mile by helping the needy can feel.


There lived great people who were ungreedy and have set examples, shown what is to be a have a big heart, I don’t want to mention their names as I cannot cover all of them and that would be unfair, I would leave that you to find out.


Courtesy Google images


In these uncertain times, let’s all try to be a little bit open-minded and help people with how much ever we can and with what we have.


Lastly, this helping you do cleanses your soul and adds that grace in you and blessings from the heavens, and the soul that received your help will glow for you always.


giving something doesn't always means money, you can spread joy,love, teach few skills to person who lacks it make a tired and sorrow soul feel comfortable.


You gain a person’s trust, which almost the rarest thing in the world to earn from someone, I think that is a unique experience by itself.


The experience is just magnanimous.


Start standing up for people, help them, it will help you! just BEGIN!


Be good to people for no reason.



Thanks a lot for your time. Have a good week ahead.



Tussle- Story about a fight.

Hello Readers   I hope you all are doing great; it has been a long time since I wrote a blog, I have been a bit busy, but it is a great fe...