Sunday 2 August 2020


Hello Readers


Hope you all are doing well today.


Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up!

-Pablo Picasso       


We all grow fast, if that is the correct word in this context, I remember in the movie Martian, Mad demon accuses the scientists of not differentiating between the words “fast and speed” in a comical way, because fast talks about the rate of growth and speed is the rate of change of velocity!


By the time we realise that we have grown, people would have developed perception towards us and expect from us! Oh, that is time you sit and lament, oh now I am grown up.


In this process of growth both physically and mentally the society and all the people in it fill our minds with their thoughts, perceptions, opinions and judgments about various topics, people and the way we live.


One such perception which I want to discuss today is education.


Education is vital to one and all, but what is the purpose of education?


Most straightforward and obvious answers are:it is an essential requirement to survive, it helps to make a living, it helps you learn values in life.


Well, all the above are valid answers, the crux on which I actually wanted to discuss, do we consider specific fields of education as superior and some other as inferior?


The answer is yes! which is miserable. 


Arts is in the spotlight of this discussion when I say unfortunate, it is the bias that we have on skills, we consider other professions, when I tell other jobs I mean you know, the most opted ones .

Arts is also a education which is not even consider so!


In India it is a doctor, an engineer, bank manager a charted accountant or a civil services officer this is considered top of the list next comes working in insurance firms followed by accountants for individuals in PSUs’, engineering services the latest trend of business process outsourcing since 10 years and so on.


My sister shared a YouTube video, it is a panel interview about the same topic of discussion,” Why is not art considered as profession”  the moderator starts the Programme by saying this “someone asked her what do you do? I am an artist is what she replied, but the latter asked, but that do you do?”


That is the problem folks, why is not art considered a profession particularly in a country in which we have seen the origination of one of the greatest cultures which converted into great musical compositions, exemplary temples and magnificent paintings.


The Kings appreciated and promoted artists, it’s not because they enjoyed it and treated them as a source of entertainment, it is because they respected art.


Do we even know how much dedication is required to excel in any kind of art form?


Do we all realise how vital arts are, do you think this whole world works only by scientific minds, we all are wrong! if we have thought so.


Imagine you design a product with all the engineering skills, the companies hire a person a with an artistic mindset to create the packaging after the product is ready to be sold, the Colour combination, the presentation of the product, a famous car design begins from a sketch artist and your dream car is his imagine!


Here we are trying to down grade artists what a pity!

Courtesy Google images


The whole ad agency industries are totally dependent on what they call the presentation professionals, who are they? they are smart people who have mastered vocal skills and voice modulation to appease the consumer behavior to buy products.


Vocal skill, tying it back, it can be compared to theatre and drama where you deliver dialogues!


The world without art is unimaginable.


Note to Gen x parents.

Dear parents, please remember, if you are looking for your children to become internationally famous and you dream for them to become celebrities, like the one with that charisma who everyone wants to be, then please allow them to pursue their interests.


Let us not bind them with a binary number of fields to choose with! If every successful artist in this world thought to make money and just becoming materialistically rich is the only way, then our art would have died long ago.


I really appreciate the government who are changing the education policy and moving towards more flexibility and a consolidated approach towards education. I think this is a good change and a significant paradigm  for our country.


Hope I have conveyed the message intended. Remember every artist is a creator, a whiz a virtuoso, and creation is divine.


Creativity is contagious, pass it on!

Albert Einstein


I tried to keep this blog interactive with some questions, please give it a thought your answers and comments are always welcomed.


Thanks for your time.





Anuradha Rajamurthy said...

Very true! Like Henri Matisse said"creativity takes courage" and art is pure creativity.Ppl look for stability and wants to be one in a flock.Many have not even discovered what they can do in the "run on the mill" for money. Thanks to covid many are realising their potentials and a hearty welcome to new education system where u can combine your physics and mathematics with Art.

Vaish said...

So true! Great read!!

Harish Murthy said...

@Anurada Rajamurthy thanks a lot for your comments ,Yes the effort and motive behind this blog is to change that mentality of people.

Harish Murthy said...

@Vaish glad you liked it :)

Unknown said...

This is very nice Harish! Continue writing. Pen your thoughts and messages that's probaly a lot of people are asking or saying in their heads but could not put it out there for some reason.

Take care always dear.

Harish Murthy said...

@unknown ,thanks a lot for your comments ,it would be great you could have mentioned your name:)

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