Sunday 26 July 2020

Plethora of thoughts

Hello Readers!


Hope you are doing well.


I want to see this situation as placid, whatever we are going through right now.


It is definitely taking a toll on us, and why is that? Yes the static state, locked out in our homes, working remotely and balancing the home front while trying to comfort the people around us.


But I ought to put out a few lines in this one which is actually the direction we all need to think is what I believe it is required.


The basic notion in this world called the “negative affinity” is essential to understand. 


Imagine you are a magnet and your mind is the south pole, so you keep getting attracted to the north pole for the ironical since I am going to call it the negativity.


So it is very typical to get influenced to negatives which happen around us.


How can you change this? Start becoming a realist instead of leaning towards too much positive or otherwise.


The Cyclone:


Just like a cyclone whirls and grows, our thoughts too multiply, well when I say thoughts I am not going to differentiate whether they are good or bad, you know your dreams I want to keep it personal.


Evaluate the percentage of thoughts that swirl in your mind, how many are upbeat and otherwise!


Well, the quotient of those thoughts is actually who you are.


So you are always sitting amongst windy weather in your mind what does this do to you? The answer is a haze of dust and disturbance, in whatever you try to do.


The squall:


When the cyclone is forming in a distance place usually near to a beach, it erupts a large number of particles from land and sea.

This is called squall, or we know it as gust.


Think about that gust as the growing thoughts in your mind, and snowballs into a cyclone in no time!


On a personal note, I have travelled through some really gruesome gusty roads in my mind, which made me take such decisions which led to stumbling upon deep canyons and valleys and falling inside them.


That is when I started contemplating why did this happen?


To my fascination, I saw tens and thousands of people fallen and lost in the same valley of moroseness and forgot just like me, how to come out of this valley and get back on the right road.


Let us retrospect a little bit, why did we end up like this.


Is it because you do not have control over your thoughts which leads to decisions which affect you?


Actually, if you look into it intensively, it is a cause and effect is what it is!


There are reasons those thoughts float in your brain.


You are the product of your environment around, and that is what decides your thoughts most of the times.


Unless you learn to control which are the thoughts matter to you and don’t, you might start that cyclone in your mind.


Why does it matter what goes in your mind?


Have you felt recently or anytime in the past that you did something without looking at the after-effects and later realised that it was too hasty!


Well, that Is precisely what a cyclone does to you.

Courtesy Google images


Random thoughts popping up and you making decisions based on those is for sure disastrous.


Well, that is the crux, you end up making decisions in life based on your previous experience or replicating your thoughts.


That doesn’t work all the time as each situation is new!


We all are in uncertain time whose conclusion is unclear, so there will be highs and lows in whatever you are doing and whichever profession you are into or maybe in your personal life too.


 Feeling dissatisfied, disheartened, frustrated and ending up in a tropical storm of thoughts is natural and very normal.


Try to be calm, manage the situation, fight for it, enjoy the moment whatever negativity you keep experiencing try to spin off into positivity, keep your options open to keep trying and take calculated risks.


Jumping the gun is not at all the right thing to do.


Take decisions which makes sense and which won’t let you look back at them later in pale eyes and realising your blunder.


We are all in this journey together, we should all fly like a single bubble and exchange our views, keep your doors of communication open so that we understand what is going on in our lives and try to find ways to resolve our petty problems.


Lastly give back to society, that gives you peace, donate wherever you can, and whatever you can, that is divine! For sure you will get energy when you do so.


“It is a tough thing to understand, but you will come to learn in time that nothing in the universe has power over you until you allow it to exercise such a power.”

-Karma Yoga


Hope this blog helps you to come out of any confusions you are going through during this uncertain time and make you a little light-hearted calm the cyclone in your mind.


Awaiting your feedback.


Thanks a lot, your time, enjoy the rest of your day.




Anuradha Rajamurthy said...

A Healthy mind makes a healthy body.We need to flush out nagative thoughts and culture our mind towards positivity.Your article reflects the need of the hour.Well written Harish!

Harish Murthy said...

Thank you and totally agree on that .yes training our mind is an exercise by itself.

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Hello Readers   I hope you all are doing great; it has been a long time since I wrote a blog, I have been a bit busy, but it is a great fe...