Sunday 29 March 2015

Think again?!

Hello readers
The week is coming to an end, as usual faster than we expected.

Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower.
- Steve Jobs 

So today want to Talk about this simple topic, We all are fortunate to have the ability to think, and that is actually, what makes us different from the rest of the species in this world. I have read articles from many famous environmentalists such as Jane Goodall, and Ramachandra Guha that the  orangutans are one of the only animals other than Humans,which has  the ability to think and express simple feelings.

 So it is believed that man is a descendant of this ape. The reason why I am writing this blog is that,  I  am amazed how some people think, I really want to acknowledge them wish I could do that.This is the need of the hour  and needs to addressed, immediately as this  has become a global concern.

Actually lets think from the start, how man started to think?,he was a barbarian when the first species of the 'sapiens' emerged,when they used to kill animals and eat it like any other wild animal, then tube first leap,of making tools came into picture, next in the list was, fire,finally trying new ways of eating food after processing the raw food,which is popularly called as cuisine and recipes now.
Just think we have used this ability of thinking, for building civilization and inventing various wonders we must risk those great thinkers who are responsible for our civilized and complex yet simple life.

But still we have failed to take tie best out of these people's views and teachings and have ended up in this bad spell of thinking bad and doing deeds which are meaningless.
We always think negative, or do not think at all and end up in useless conclusions which are not at in sync with that incident.all .

When there is a need to think, again we hesitate to think even once which is very unfortunate.

The greatest disaster is due to this unclear thinking from the important people in the world ,the common man is facing the problems and feeling the storm also ,if we look at the household folks they also feel the heat,due to this co called term called the 'Generation Gap',actually this term is just a made up word,if both a dad and son can think and sort hings up ,it will all good may be the dad or son may give a more appropriate solution to the problem.

The issue is that we don't attempt to think at all!and endup unknown caves of doubts,misjudgement and mis-understanding.

Let's try to understand ,a person's thought deeply before drawing conclusions ,also when we think we need to think clear and accurate.

thanks for your time have a nice weekend.

Saturday 21 March 2015


Hello readers

Hope you had a good week.

Be brave. Take risks. Nothing can substitute experience.
- Paulo Coelho

Today I want to talk about this concept called ' sparks ' we all do know what are they?
A small fiery particle thrown off from a fire, alight in ashes, or produced by striking together two hard surfaces such as stone or metal.

Well after we know the definition, let me try to put forward my version of this.
We all have difficulties in life, and also the will power to fight these issues, but sometimes we feel demotivated and lose our nerves.

As a result some poor souls even push that quit button and end their game called life.
But I feel that is not the way to take life and that is where sparks come into picture.

According to me sparks can be people who motivate you,a good teacher who imbibes good thoughts in the minds of his students, a grandmother who is always happy, even though her health condition is bad, an employee, who is self motivated at work and so on.

Sparks have helped man kind at the time when we most needed it, we know in history it is said that, the prehistoric man, discovered fire by rubbing  stones, and he was fascinated to see the sparks!
That also lead him to become more curious and today, because of that curiosity, we see fire in all forms possible and also its uses are countless.

We should never lose hope, in life because when you think that its going too bad for you, that may be wrong,you may suddenly get that spark, that takes you back on track.

I thank all the sparks of my life who helped me to become what I am today, and also feel we all need to become a spark for others and help them to keep their momentum going.

Thanks for your time have a nice weekend.

Friday 13 March 2015


Hello readers

Well its time to blog again.

You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else.
- Albert Einstein

Today I want to talk about the unrest in the minds of people, it's causes and also the ways to stop this unrest.

We all have heard about this insect called, the grasshopper, it is not a harmful insect though sometimes people get scared,due to its sudden movements.

Why does this insect make these sudden leaps? Well,  let's say it does it for food, or to escape from its predators.

That is fine for a grasshopper,but I have seen humans acting in this manner at every stage of life.

If you ask is it not good? Taking good leaps in life and becoming successful of course, my answer is yes, but how do we know all the leaps we take are good?

There are several situations where we hop and don't reach the desired hight, or we fall on a rough ground.

For that insect jumping or hopping is inevitable the reason may be its limited, intellect, or its "live according to instincts policy",but don't we humans have a choice? Don't we have an intellect? Why do we take drastic decisions?  Why do we end like junkies even though we  knew or we were doubtful that we were entering a junk yard!.

Please give some thought on these sensitive issues,because the world is suffering from many problems and a major reason for their cause is this meaningless hoping from one grass or an option to another without understanding the end result.

To be successful we need to follow a simple and basic rule, which is, if you understand the problem solve it else, ask people who know about it, not people who miss guide you with their half knowledge.

Let's start taking life slowly and understanding it, other than jump into deep oceans without knowing how to swim.

Thanks for your time, have a great weekend. Adios

Friday 6 March 2015

The summary.

Hello readers

If you wanna make the world a better place
Take a look at yourself and then make a change
Michael Jackson ,from the song Man in the mirror.

Hope you guys are fine,today I want to discuss about this concept called 'the summary' this can be a instant explanations to many things ,well I hope I can make some things understand by the time I end this blog,and becomes a summary by itself!

We are all aware of this word 'summary' which we would have first heard when we were in our first phase of education ,it used to be in our text book at the apex of any poem or prose that we used to read,and help us understand what the whole story,or the poem was in simple words.

some days ago I got this thoughts ,though I would have studied all these summaries ,as a last minute preparation for an examination,I would have still managed to answer the questions ,in that exam,which I was least prepared.? it was actually making me feeling good.

I also realised ,they were so useful ,and productive ,I say productive for the corporate crowd ,who are used to hearing this word from their manager.! well that was on a lighter note.

Well moving on,with this word summary it  has synonyms such as rapid,instant,swift and so on ,I feel there is another hidden meaning ,which is the understanding and conclusion part.

what is this understanding and the conclusion?I am talking  about, how well we are understanding the way we live,and we are going to live ,in the coming years .

So when I pose these questions ,usually people say the future will decide,the fate determines you ,and  many more  sayings and a long list of proverbs,which I partially agree with,but if we implement the  word 'summary the whole scene will change.

I had written a blog in which I had spoken about IT ,which stands for incident testing,and  I spoke about the unpredictable future.

Summary is like a continuation to IT , after which we need to learn and understand some experiences from that incident, and stop repeating those mistakes ,because repeating the same mistakes can prove costly .

There is a need for understanding peoples minds ,feelings,express common sympathy and empathy towards one and all ,for the simple reason that what happened to your dear friend ,family or a well wisher can happen to you next,so if we learn from the incidents of how? why it happens ,and start thinking about writing the summary of our own lives each day,it will be a reference to others ,which can walk in a direction that you did ,thus making this world a better place to live.

But the world works in a cryptic way, where no summary are drawn no lessons are learnt or wrong summaries drawn! and everything that happens is mis -interpreted , I think majority of the time it works like this ,which is very unfortunate,come on lets change this trend .

Lets become a trend where people know the summary of life, and create an awareness to others ,who are still trying crack that summary.

Thanks for your time ,have a great weekend.

Tussle- Story about a fight.

Hello Readers   I hope you all are doing great; it has been a long time since I wrote a blog, I have been a bit busy, but it is a great fe...