Saturday 21 March 2015


Hello readers

Hope you had a good week.

Be brave. Take risks. Nothing can substitute experience.
- Paulo Coelho

Today I want to talk about this concept called ' sparks ' we all do know what are they?
A small fiery particle thrown off from a fire, alight in ashes, or produced by striking together two hard surfaces such as stone or metal.

Well after we know the definition, let me try to put forward my version of this.
We all have difficulties in life, and also the will power to fight these issues, but sometimes we feel demotivated and lose our nerves.

As a result some poor souls even push that quit button and end their game called life.
But I feel that is not the way to take life and that is where sparks come into picture.

According to me sparks can be people who motivate you,a good teacher who imbibes good thoughts in the minds of his students, a grandmother who is always happy, even though her health condition is bad, an employee, who is self motivated at work and so on.

Sparks have helped man kind at the time when we most needed it, we know in history it is said that, the prehistoric man, discovered fire by rubbing  stones, and he was fascinated to see the sparks!
That also lead him to become more curious and today, because of that curiosity, we see fire in all forms possible and also its uses are countless.

We should never lose hope, in life because when you think that its going too bad for you, that may be wrong,you may suddenly get that spark, that takes you back on track.

I thank all the sparks of my life who helped me to become what I am today, and also feel we all need to become a spark for others and help them to keep their momentum going.

Thanks for your time have a nice weekend.


journo_murthy said...

very well presented. many do not realise that attitudes count. one be ready to receive these sparks in any which way it lands in life. besides the routine, anything out of the way ould arise out of these sparks as you call them.the eureka moment is not reserved for archemedes alone. it is our birthright. sail along, my child, you shall get all help that is needed for the moment. my prayers go with you.

S. Sridhara Murthyu said...

Excellent and highly motivating for youngsters of the day.

Look at the 'Spark' of the Great Soul Sri D.K. Ravi who has left it in his sacrifice- motivated countless youngsters.

It was fascinating to hear in the media that: "We might have lost one 'Tiger', but it will create hundred more"

Tussle- Story about a fight.

Hello Readers   I hope you all are doing great; it has been a long time since I wrote a blog, I have been a bit busy, but it is a great fe...