Sunday 5 July 2020

The Quest

Hello Readers!


How are you today? 


The biggest challenge in life is to understand and realize who we are? And what we want. I think that is a great exercise which we seek to achieve.

After all, without understanding yourself, what basis have you for right thinking?

-Sri Jiddu Krishna Murthy

According to books, prime age of a human starts from when he or she is adolescent until they reach the age of forty. When I say “they” these are people who matter in your life, your family, friends, narrators in documentaries about anthropology and so on.


So Have we accepted these statements because we consider most of these guys mentioned above as more experienced and elder to us.


There are two answers for this, we all accept it blindly, why because we have been told to accept these statements blindly is it because we did not think? Of course, there is an age in your life where we are not allowed to think and just follow instructions.


The process of not thinking until we are considered so-called “matured enough” is the wrong way of looking at it is my opinion.


According to Brain study, whatever you think at a given point of time and age in your life has a meaning. There is nothing called wrong thinking or right thinking, thought is a neurochemical signal in your brain, which is an action or a reaction to something you sensed from the background.


 The outcome of how much you could understand or what happened in that particular context is your thought.


Free thinking and self-understanding


This is one of the most important topics which we should all be talking about. It is essential in all walks of life because unless “you” as a person lacks an opinion, there is no difference between you and a chimp.


Have we not seen many folks in your family, friends sometime in remorse about the decisions they took in life and kicking themselves? Why does this happen? Give it a thought.


It happened because  either they were not taught how to think on their own will or even though they were tutored, they never thought it to be necessary.


Self- understanding this is even more critical than free-thinking, because until you will not understand your nature and what kind of person you want to become or end up in! Your purpose in life is defied.


I am a 90s kid; definitely, that was an era of survival and budgeting even though I was sent to good schools. I can say the teaching environment was not so proactive and far-sighted in certain aspects but very weighty compared to modern smart classes!


 They thought us to build good value education, I am grateful to my teachers for the lessons in value education which they thought which until to this date has helped me to become a person with some essential values, but not much of importance was given towards free thoughts and building self-awareness and self-actualization.

Courtesy Google Images

 In Bhagavat Gita there is a topic on Gunas, the Rajasika, Satvika and thamsika.


I found this beautiful piece written by Jaya Row on the speaking tree a famous editorial in India: All of us have all three Gunas; it is their relative strength that makes the difference. Tamas is the state of ignorance, inertia, and indifference. Rajas is a desire-driven, frenzied activity that arises from selfishness and ego. Sattva is the pristine state of calm that comes from contemplation and absorption on the higher. In sattva, the mind is calm, intellect sharp and actions brilliant.


 If you are under the influence of the three Gunas, you are bound to the world. However, you do not belong to the Gunas and their manifestations. You are Divine. Understand how the Gunas function. Declare war on Tamas. Refine rajas. Nurture and cultivate sattva.


Start your quest and understand yourself, through free-flowing thoughts.


I leave it at that thinking point, understand yourself, think freely and decide who you want to become a motivator to someone, a helper to a helpless or a grouch who people see as a disease when they are around.


To be what you are and to become what you wanted to,finally being contented with what you are today is the highest virtue you can be blessed with it.



Have a great week ahead. Thanks a lot for your time



1 comment:

Unknown said...

Excellent Bro!

Tussle- Story about a fight.

Hello Readers   I hope you all are doing great; it has been a long time since I wrote a blog, I have been a bit busy, but it is a great fe...