Monday 10 August 2020

Benefactor - A ray of hope!

Hello Readers


Hope this blog finds you happy and well!


Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies. Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier. ... The hunger for love is much more difficult to remove than the hunger for bread.” If you can’t feed a hundred people, then feed just one.

-Mother Teresa 


The recent events in the world and our lives are revealing a lot about us.

When I say revealing a lot about us, I mean, our qualities.


This is a survival situation, our brain is the most sophisticated and robust all-round analyzer available in this world, it can think about multiple things in, numerous dimensions.


We are all in a ready to-act mode; we are all very alert and acting according to the situation and the primary task for this year is survival.


We all react to situations and also perform actions based on the stimuli, a small instance of what is your first reaction if you listen to a loud thud outside your window.


Either you run towards it to find out what happened, or you close your ears and stay indoors and later find out from others.


The above example is to explain a typical behavioural pattern.


About today’s focus, it’s one of the first areas I used to write about, and I think one of the essential factors which actually drove me towards writing!


I started by etching thoughts on behavioural psychology, how I would react if I put myself in certain situations and also the need to stay away from materialism.


I wrote a blog sometime back titled what is money?: it was about using money as an enabler to exchange goods and services and using its productively and not to become a spendthrift or a lavish spender who ponders around all their wealth.


Switching gears philanthropy is almost the noblest thing to do in a person’s life and to do that I think first we need to come out of the box.


This is the box of selfishness and materialism, we keep filling this box with wealth and more wealth and finally pass it to your progeny and your progeny  will continue to do the same, which leads to wealth duplication, I think is a endless worm hole!


Have we thought about the purpose? Why are we acquiring so much wealth which is beyond what we need? Greed, avaricious, no higher thoughts or is it the influence of the society on us.


I would say it’s just an individual perspective, its whether you want to do it or don’t want to, simple and clear.


Materialistic VS ungreedy

In the process of wealth creation, sometimes we lose direction and sight of where are we heading? And end up happy with our own sweet lives and behave hypocritically when we see a person in pain and struggle, which someone we know is undergoing, and then chant the name of the lord in the evening prayer asking him to shower you and all of whom you identify with peace and prosperity.


But do we know there is something even more godly that we can do as humans, why can’t we think of donating, detaching a little bit from our wealth?


How many of us have experienced real joy, this is a different type of happiness, only a person who shares his joy and ready to go an extra mile by helping the needy can feel.


There lived great people who were ungreedy and have set examples, shown what is to be a have a big heart, I don’t want to mention their names as I cannot cover all of them and that would be unfair, I would leave that you to find out.


Courtesy Google images


In these uncertain times, let’s all try to be a little bit open-minded and help people with how much ever we can and with what we have.


Lastly, this helping you do cleanses your soul and adds that grace in you and blessings from the heavens, and the soul that received your help will glow for you always.


giving something doesn't always means money, you can spread joy,love, teach few skills to person who lacks it make a tired and sorrow soul feel comfortable.


You gain a person’s trust, which almost the rarest thing in the world to earn from someone, I think that is a unique experience by itself.


The experience is just magnanimous.


Start standing up for people, help them, it will help you! just BEGIN!


Be good to people for no reason.



Thanks a lot for your time. Have a good week ahead.




Vaish said...

feels good to read. Many people talk/discuss about kindness in all forms but very few people actually ACT on it. Good to see such blogs!

Harish Murthy said...

Hey vaish

Totally agree with you ,to act it takes effort :)

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Hello Readers   I hope you all are doing great; it has been a long time since I wrote a blog, I have been a bit busy, but it is a great fe...