Saturday, 30 September 2017


Hello readers

How are you today?

We discovered the earth when we were traveling to the moon.
-Astronaut on board the first moon landing mission.

Understanding is the key for to succeed in the process, without us knowing what we are doing there is actually no meaning in life.

So in the vernacular education system which almost all of us have been through, there are considerable amounts of attention and technique which were given and used by our teachers to make us understand our subjects as well as the other values.

But as you know our brain is almost the most advanced natural computer available in this world, as this computer grows, by which I mean as we grow so does our brain, growth here means is not physical growth, I am talking about the psychological upgradation that happens simultaneously as we mature.

The spark!

Spontaneity defines a spark, a spark can make or break situations for instance when I say make a situation think of a spark plug which starts your vehicle. When I say break a situation think about a gas leak and a small spark in that room the result is just a big sad fire accident!

The above paragraph was just to bring the subject of sparks upfront because what I actually intend to discuss about is the mental spark. Well, actually it is not much of a complicated concept to understand.

So here is what I think is a mental spark, something which comes spontaneously to your mind in the correct situation which is useful, to that situation and maybe help you to solve the problem you are in.

One of the common mental sparks which light every day understands when you are in a conversation a pattern of sparks light up in the participant's minds which leads to arguments and agreements and maybe finally a solution.

The self-Spark.

This is a person realizing somethings which he has noticed each day but suddenly starts thinking deeply about something he realized, for example, there are some fantastic things that one always wonder about like the eternal question “ how the universe works “? I think that has always fascinated and me and there is appoint where science stops and cannot explain further and that is you known mystic force comes into picture, actually some days ago I was seeing a documentary on discovery science where scientists have come up with a breakthrough theory about how the electromagnetism has been an important constituent in forming of stars and planets.

Maybe the example becomes a little bit lengthy sorry, so that is the whole point, our minds ignite to certain stimuli and go into the thinking mood which will help us understand life better.

Before ending the blog I would like to say always be in the ignited mode understand each and every step of your life and reason it out why things happen the way they happen, it does not require you to become a student of any applied science or some great mind from Massachusetts or Carl Sagan institute you are born with it each one of us is! Indeed just you need to tap your capabilities.

The best use of the sparking is you will understand your life and why your sad if you are you will get an ability to chalk out a plan to how to resolve that and become more successful!

Thanks for your time until next week then Adios…

Wednesday, 20 September 2017

Change - The constant process

Hello readers

Hope you all are doing well.

Change your thoughts and you change.

Change is the way of life I am sure you would have read this,  and also this one, change is inevitable

It is actually necessary and it is the reason that the world has evolved till here and continues to evolve.

Now even when we look at the animal and plant kingdom we see that what biologists call evolution, in short, it can be called transformation.

But there is a condition here; there can be bad change and good change.

Bad change can be more and more modernization leading to disasters in the world.
Good change can be the same technology helping visually challenged to regain their vision.

Now for another question what does it take to change someone of his attitude, thoughts or the way he thinks.

There are reasons people change some are pleasant and some are not so happy ones.
The good reasons that we can see a change in a person are, chasing him or her to progress, self-realization and maturity.

When we think about the unpleasant ones there are people who are nice but their circumstance made them the sadists they are today, the challenge is not to bow to the circumstance and being the person you are, which again changes you to become more brave and strong.

Now for that question what does it take to change a person, let me be positive to change him into a good person?

Well, I feel his attitude matters, suppose that person had a good attitude towards life half job is done the other half is a little persuasion and goal orientation.

But if he or she is leading a life in a negative mindset, a lot of pushing around is required.

Definitely, I feel we need to always change for the good, attitude is a set of beliefs which we see and learn as we grow up and how we respond to stimuli which are partially transferred from our parents.

But the crux is that finally, it's up to the individual how he wants to live? But I urge people to change for good and develop good qualities, mannerisms and awareness and being proactive in the society so that we can make the place you stay reach new heights, which may help change the lives of millions. 

I want to end this blog here with the hope of seeing a change in the reader's mind.

Let me know in the comment box what are your thoughts on this blog.

Thanks for your time.

Sunday, 3 September 2017

Fear for nothing?

Hi Readers

Hope all of you are fine.

When was the last time you got scared and then took time to analyse why you got into that loop of fear and panic?

I am sure you would remember when you had felt frightened definitely you would not have taken time to analyse the reason behind it.

Let us discuss on this a bit today because in this era of people ending their lives for utter stupidity like some utterly obnoxious WhatsApp group called "blue whale" I feel where are driving our gen next? is this life or some social networking robot farm?

You know living itself is an activity and just to live have we realized someone is working from within to make you live, what do I mean by living? I mean it takes a lot of efforts just to be here now and able to read this passage because there are places in the world, even a moment away can just be death.

Talking about fear, do you think it is an illusion? if you are thinking so you are wrong even though Lau Tzu who is the father of Taoism in China said I quote: " There is no greater illusion in this world than fear!" I would not completely agree because it is no illusion as it is actually proved now as both a biological and psychological phenomenon of how your body and mind respond to certain stimuli.

Now the stimuli can a be a nightmare or a sudden blast of your car tyre, so as I told you getting scared, is not unnatural.

But what is not good for oneself is that to have a fear psychosis problem I see so many of my peers, friends, family and benefactors  getting scared for nothing, I recently came across a book called  “ The fear book" by Cheri Huber where the author mentions about fear used an escape tool by our own brain and has lead to laziness of millions and developing the inability to carry on the even the simplest of  daily tasks , I agree this is just a perspective but definitely  it is a food for thought and a perspective to think alternatively and not get scared without logical reasons.

I remember in one the episodes of the much famed tonight show  Bill Maher had said "half our lives are wasted in fear and the other half in repentance" I feel he is right.

You know fear works in both ways it sometimes turns out to be a good for example you scold a child who has a habit of biting nails so that he will quit that bad habit.

So now how can fear turn to be bad, imagine you were a very active person in life and suddenly due to some incident you are grounded and end up spending more time at home than going out like you used to always? say for some months.

But then after that phase, is over you would get the same leisure time you got before to go out and explore and do your business or whatever you intended to do,this is the  turning point,  some people take it in the right spirit and will do what has to be done and be their  own self.

A scientific perspective explaining fear psychosis.

But, unfortunately, there are people who end up in the loop of feeling scared for nothing and imagine reasons like: I have become old, there is lot time lapse and the outside environment has changed to what I have seen and what it is now!  but still there are some people who still go out but sometimes it may so happen that may be a small accident or an injury may occur which is purely coincidental and I feel in these times it is common, but that person considers it  as a big blow to his mind will end not stepping out again or will begrudge and postpone when there is an opportunity.

Our body is actually a complicated biomechanical machine which has the most advanced controls in the world and the controller is you and who are you ? its your soul which is living inside you till you breathe and it goes to another body after you stop breathing and your soul is limited to your body, so suppose that soul enters a dog's body it is limited to what a dog can do , if it enters a  human body that soul is  supposed to be in the most superior and intellectual body available in this world, so how is that fear has a place where there are no limits to what you can achieve in all the good ways.

So stop feeling skirmish within yourself and think about a goal and achieve it and never become a machine that doesn’t move or work always be on your toes and never work in a semi-switched on mode minus the will power. Let the will power beacon glow like never before so bright that the mal-function lights like fear and panic do not get a chance to glow.

Be brave until the end, just look around and look at the boarders I am sure you will get some motivation. Choose what you want you to become and you will be that I assure you, only thing matters is your focus. 

The beauty about fear is that when you run to it,  it runs away.

-Robin Sharma

Until next week bye.

Tussle- Story about a fight.

Hello Readers   I hope you all are doing great; it has been a long time since I wrote a blog, I have been a bit busy, but it is a great fe...