Sunday 28 August 2016

Too near too far?

Hello readers

Hope you guys are doing great.

 If you light a lamp for someone ,it will also brighten your path .
-Gautama Buddha

Philosophy is a beautiful subject; it helps everyone to think higher than what average human thinks.

When I used to discuss about philosophy in debates or casual conversation with friends, work colleagues or family. We all have point to make which is, people who think about philosophy have lesser problems in life, I thought it was a fair argument because even if we just flip back our books of management.

 Abraham Maslow  who gave us the Maslow's need hierarchy theory explains: at first a person will look at physiological needs that is the basic needs, then he will look for security or safety  needs like building a place to stay build  family and so on next he looks at love and belongingness from his family and friends, moving forward he looks at esteem needs or the ego needs where he wants people to respect him and finally  the learned management Guru  Maslow calls it self-actualization needs which is a person who goes in search of higher knowledge and spirituality .

The self-actualization needs is at the top of the ladder which he says a person who has the other needs will start thinking about Heftier topics like philosophy, spirituality and so on.

How many of you agree with me?

I agree with this because only if you have lesser things to worry in life you can move towards this direction because in this fast changing world let us not kid ourselves by saying we can give up the other needs and move to the highest rung of the ladder and move towards that bent of mind, the guys who can do it I say are definitely brilliant, but you know what kind of energy it needs, it is not the calorie energy  it is the cerebral energy is what many psychologists say.

Too near too far: This phrase is actually has many meanings, the generic meaning would be you like to do something in life you go just enough far to touch your goal and achieve it partially but fail to achieve the complete goal.

There is another meaning for the same phrase which I want to focus on today.

In the Chapter 3 of the Bhagavad Gita one of the greatest scriptures in Hinduism, it says Karma yoga is the discipline of selfless action as a way to perfection.

If you ask me “Is this like I need to work for free”? no my friend I would say This is above that level or our level of thinking it is a unique feeling of you do what is good for the society or you what is good that has to be immediately done to a man in suffering or any creature on this world in suffering and when the pain is relieved you see happiness in happiness of the being which you helped and not expect in return.

It is also doing what is to be done at the correct moment and at the time when it required and leaving the result to the almighty and you would never worry about the result.

We all are wondering is it really possible in this era of materialism and selfishness, actually to be frank with you there is lot of hope left, most of the time I keep seeing that the situations are just being hyped, like most of the reports are published without proper research which people in journalism call it as adulterated news feeds.

They are already practising Karma yoga what about us?
There is lot of good things which are going around and you just don’t know it yet because we are being pumped with always set of guidelines about how to not get cheated, always being careful and being scared all the time.

There are things which at this moment going normal and even great, so we all need to work towards making things better and concentrate on how we can help anyone in distress I won’t limit myself to humans because I treat all species on this earth as same.

The art of letting  go is just the most difficult art to learn; and do you who are the master piece artists  who have mastered this art, they are not religious gurus they are the  brave mothers who could let go their daughters and sons to serve the nation, don’t you think it is Karma yoga, you may argue about the perks a military personnel gets, but just question yourself  how many of are ready to hang your life on a clothes rod where the wind is so swift that the clothes may get tattered  into countless pieces ?!

I appreciate even the people who are into real spiritual organizations who are rendering service to humans and also taking care of animals, that is also Karma yoga it is easy for us just sit back and comment that they backed by babus and others and makes lot money in the name of service, but question yourselves again can you do it? Or what you would do if you had become the world’s number one guru?

You know it is very difficult for you to give something like a gift to a person who is practicing Karma yoga because he would be totally abstemious , the only way you can make that person happy is helping him or her in the same service he/she is into or you also being service minded!

Being practical in life is an on-going process and to let go of the things you love the most and the things you desire for and to render service for free for any cause for that matter will be your first step towards full filling your self- actualization need! and experiencing this word called “ amity”.

So it does not matter whether you see it from a management aspect or you take the yogic route, the ultimate question is “can you let go”?

Thanks for your time.

Have great week ahead.

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