Saturday 24 December 2016

Self police

Hello readers

Hope you all are doing well.

We have 7 days left in this year and it shall pass fast and a fresh calendar will be viewed for the next 365 days.

We all are in the usual buzz and wonderment of how this year passed, it seemed like yesterday was first of January 2016?  Is what we hear each year, That is just an illusion we always end up living in.

There are a certain groups of people who also talk about repenting for the sins they have committed this year and how to wash them off!

Sorry for the guys who believe in such stuff because if you think logically how can you do it, it is like saying I am going to stick a broken iron bar with cement?!.

The crux is that only the sinner knows the way to wash of his own turpitudes.

Some people just burst out with emotions and confessing to on their misdeeds if I could call them so.

For a criminal who is been convicted in a heinous crime you know , he is petrified of only person now that is death, because the soul in this person has turned into a repenting machine and telling the body that it wants him to live.

Oh what a great confusion we all are into? Can we not just lead life like a straight line; is there a rule that it has to be like a trip to the Corsica or the Alps?

Let us imagine this: the world without jails, war, no harm to nature, no fights over race, religion and so on and the whole of earth is living in peace in harmony!

We all felt a little happy when we read the above lines  I am sure you will agree with me but the reality is actually alarming. Yes it is because many parts of the world are living in fear, and they are just waiting to kill each other! What a tragedy.

The Syrian war is such a pain to see and imagine what the common citizens like you and me will be undergoing there. Mosul is almost moving towards its end.

What can we do from here is just pray each day their situation improves.

Do you know the most amazing part is that we know what we are doing and we exactly know what is wrong and what is right? Yes it is the truth and I feel it is obvious because every human has a public face and private face, are you thinking I am talking about two faced people no! I am not , what I mean to say is that there are certain places we open up and someplace where we behave in  a formal way and that is normal , the reason I state it as a public and a private face is because I think that is the easiest way to convey my thought.

The public face is the outline of you and how other people perceive you.

The private face is you, and you only and this ‘you’ knows all about the public and private angle again!

Lot of ‘yous’ in the sentence! But it is inevitable.

Unless we are not intoxicated with any kind of drugs I am sure we will be in our senses. We all are well aware when we have err.

The only argument is do we realize it soon or keep repeating same mistake again and again and realize it when we or on the deathbed or on the gallows!

At this moment when the year is about to end I would like to say to all the people who are going to read this blog, be vigilant on yourself then I am sure the people around you will automatically not behave unreasonably with you and, even if they do so they will learn something that day and try not to repeat it next time and rather improve next time.

Self-police is a concept which is now practiced in correction centers in the US and UK to build this awareness among the convicts which is intended to help them when they are out of prison. And if you ask me the question: “How can we follow something which was practiced in a prison”. My reply would be “You like the low waist jeans concept where do you think originated from”?

Basically it means you police yourself and correct yourself, numerous organizations implemented this technique as an audit control which will first check its own records then call the external auditors.

Self-clean up is always better is what I feel.

Try this for yourself I feel you will feel better and cleansed from inside and sleep a happy person that night.

Life is like a bicycle, you need to balance it to keep going
-Albert Einstein

If you want to test a man, give him power.
-Abraham Lincoln

The best part is when you start practicing this. I think we will be our own boss and we won’t give a chance for anyone else to point fingers at us.

Thanks for your time, have a great week ahead.

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