Monday 5 December 2016


Hello readers

How are you doing today?

We meet all types of people each day, some become our friends, many just pass by , among the people we meet we all have a general tendency to judge people, pass comment on each other and sometimes even mock at them, look at them as you are the superior and the latter worse than trash or vice-versa, do you think all of this is good to do and does it add any life to our years, or does it add only years to our life. Let us discuss.

Going back to the last sentence in the previous paragraph, let us meditate on this phrase “add life to our years or years to our life” well it seems too simple to understand, actually it is simple.

The first part says “add life to our years” which means, when we follow certain habits in life, it will give us satisfaction, peace of mind and also a good night’s sleep and self containment.

The second part “add years to your life” is not such a pleasant feeling it simply implies it is just adding years to this mortal body without being any use to  the environment around.

Who is a fool? Again an easy question, we normally say a person who does not understand how the world works? Is a fool, who can get easily cheated is a fool? Or who takes bad decision is also a fool. I agree with all of that but, I want to introduce you to a person who is leading a good life, he is not an idiot, who knows how the world works but still I feel he is fool and I call him a learned fool.

The person in question is not a great educationalist or a rationalist he is living within me and you, yes the sad truth we all behave like learned fool at times, I seriously do not mean any offence to anyone but as they say truth is bitter.

I remember sometime back I had written a blog about fools, I have a short lived memory, but I am clear in my mind that I had not spoken about this aspect.

Why I want to criticize this group of  given population and call them scholarly chumps is  because they behave in such a manner which seriously do not correlate age with their educational qualification or the background from where they come from.
They also forget basic manners at times and behave in a childish manner which will be an embracement for the folks of their family, friends and people around him/her.

If you ask me to be precise and name few qualities of these jesters here are they: always trying to find fault in others, mocking people for no reason, trying to copy others, bumping into conversations, trying to show the world they know everything including the big-bang theory, back answering people, peep into or rather poke into someone else’s business and snoop on them gossiping on them, assuming things without any basis.

There is another group of people whom I call negative fall guys! Because they spend half their life cribbing about what they don’t have, comparing what others have and pressuring family folks to get those which they do not have, grumbling on simple issues and absolutely no ability to take stress and reacting  like a rogue in all situations, treating money as the only valuable thing in the world giving least importance to feelings, emotions, family, friends.

Even people becoming emotional and bursting out with people who do not even care about them are also not wise, because the world is becoming a mean place where your grief is someone’s happiness and an entertainment to others, that is the illusion of life where a person does not realize until something worse happens to him and continues to take please in others pain until it happens to himself.

So do these people ever realize all these nuances any time before they leave this world? If they do, I feel that is the best thing that could happen to him.

If not then they will be in a situation where people try to throw stones inside a glass house trying to prove who is wiser!

These quotes are pertinent “Man lives less, dies more” and another famous quote “fools are not born they become”

I thank you for your time, I hope you will take this in the right spirit and kick start your thinking engine and evaluate yourself accordingly.

Have a nice day ahead.

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