Sunday, 31 December 2017


Hello reader

This is apparently the last blog for 2017. A new year brings new hope to us and lets us make the best out of it.

The word “care” is very important in our lives.
The origin of this word is actually from nature, you know we all would  not have existed without the care of nature it has helped us to survive and protected us and helped to evolve and here we are today the homosepians “tagged as the most intelligent species in the world”.

Life is a bucket of experiences if your bucket is empty it means you are still inexperienced and you need to fill your bucket so that you can wash the dirt and clean your car of mistakes and transform it into the sparkling automobile of hope and positivity.

When I compare other species with our own, we are too much dependent on our parents for a longer period, than animals who are pushed out of their families to lead an independent life and the newborns build their own families and this cycle continues.

With the idea of civilization, the possibilities for survival are infinite and that is the reason we have sustained our lives so well and marked footprints on the moon.But at the same time we marked some dark footprints on our own earth by becoming too selfish and going on just rampantly extinguishing lives and ecosystems in the name of agriculture, urbanisation, well I agree I am hypocritical here as even I am no cave man who is living in some lonely jungle doing minimum harm to environment, but at least I try not to over-exploit nature.

Why is care so much necessary in this modern society? Actually, it is one of the most important aspects that is needed today.

Have we realized there is a reason behind why criminals are existent why people end up in making a life of darkness and enjoy sadism?
The true responsibility of a parent is not to fulfill the wants of their children it is actually understanding their desires and helping them  to achieve their dreams  rather than following the prototype or the stereotypical way of living  in phases.

What care can do is actually amazing it builds a bond which can never be broken, if you love your child without expecting any results, that child will always grow to be the most mature individual according to me, because he feels so secure and does things at free well, which will help create wonders.

There are numerous stories where there lived great people , but their childhood was bad or sometimes ill-treated by parents.for them I would bow in respect because , they were s9 futuristic and they learn the meaning off their lives at a tender age.
But we forget that they would have had some guardian angels who always were there to help them and keep their hopes flying high.

The soldiers who protect this nation day in and day out without any break, that is care they take care of all our mothers, only because they consider their country as a mother,according to me they are the true sanyasis' of this time they are true karma yogis.

Let us try to take care of people around us and be their beam of hope.

Trust is like paper once it is crumbled, it can never be perfect.

thanks for your time, have a great day and  a fabulous year ahead.


Sunday, 24 December 2017

A motivator, an advisor and problems.

Hello reader

Hope you are fine today.

To succeed you need to forget the last loss.

I like motivators and advisors because they give me positive energy and hope, they lift up when I am in regret or depressed and those are the ones who actually care about you.

I was swapping channels on my dish tv and caught up with the government sports channel which is called as Doordarshan sports in India.

Of course half of the programmes in this channel have always been repetitive and recorded obviously because of the TV rights war in India for sports, but still, they were showing some old recorded 100 wheelchair dash and the banner shown below was para-athletics and the contestants did not have legs until their thighs.

As the race began I saw all the racers using their hands to pull their wheel chairs and finally the race ended with a Chinese outrunning everyone and finally winning the race.
I felt motivated seeing this special race for special people.

An advisor and a motivator.

We have always been helped by these two people in life, when we are on the wrong side of the road there is that one person who helps us to hit the right side he is the advisor.

When you feel depressed and low there are these people who switch on the light of hope in you and make you feel bright these are the motivators though,  they will help you out with your problem they do not advise you, and I call motivators for those who help us motivate not to our sins but for the mistake which happened which was not committed by intention, and also motivation should be given on the right things, a motivation to commit  a crime is not good it is a misdeed.

Even though I agree there are motivators and advisors all through your life finally what is that other factor helps you get the effect or help of these two people discussed above.

It is our own mind! Even if a person motivates us there is this mind which says to you (your soul) Yahoo! that is what makes you feel motivated! the person is the trigger but your mind in the jockey if,  your mind doesn't want to take that motivation it wouldn’t care.

We should never go that dormant stage where we do not respond to people or incidents which should actually have an impact on us! the impact I am referring here is to become motivated or change your way of thinking from the advise received.

So the basic thumb rule should be, always be open-minded be motivated and advised by people and also self-audit yourself and try to stay self motivated which is the best.

Wishing you all the best in this holiday season and let us welcome this new year with a new hope and aim to  save eniroment and be more courteous to other creatures around us.

Let us motivate and be motivated, and take responsibility when we advise, this would help you to solve most of the problems you face and also help to solve others problems.

Thanks for your time. Let the new year bring bliss to mother earth.


Wednesday, 6 December 2017

The chosen ones

Hello readers

Hope you all are doing well.

If a system is too materialistic and generating unnecessary waste the first step is to work on reducing the waste and the second is to correct this system.

I was just thinking how fortunate we all are? Yes, fortunate because seriously I am telling you we are fortunate!

I did not repeat that word 3 times just to make this blog interesting or surprising to you. But I just realized how well supported we are from the people around us who have been there in our ups and downs.

Of course, I agree this entire society would not be behind your back to help you, but I am talking about few people who help us when we are in need of help, but the question is how many have we helped in return?

Recently I had been to a marriage of one of my relatives; definitely, Indian traditional marriages are very complex in their rituals and their culture.

Even in these modern times too, that tradition is still seen, ok next when we come to the feast part of this occasion, I observed there is an industry which has been created to make this occasion a success.

The chefs, the catering arrangements flower decorators, photographers and so on.

But there is a hitch, even though we celebrate a man’s oath to take care of women and same with a woman who pledges to take care of a man as a big festival, are we lost too much into it and losing the meaning of it?

This is just my opinion we have lost to understand the meaning of culture and everything is running like an industry and we are behaving like just we are at our jobs robotic!

All the marriages are now being photographed with studio settings! Drone photography, and crane cameras and each marriage party is competitive with the technology used therein lighting, photography and recently a new jibe “candid photography” and uploading the same to youtube? come on where is the privacy?  I am not debating on the success of these marriages as it is a personal life of two people, of course, Indian marriages are the most successful in the world  and it has been documented in the WHO (world health organization) but my concern is can we think a little bit before we just spend loads on material and manpower .

I have taken comments from people saying a person marries only once so that is the reason for the celebratory nature of this function I understand that!

But you would be shocked to know that there are hundreds of tonnes of plastic and paper waste which are being generated due to marriages, where is the control on this by the government?

I tell you these are smallest of things which contribute to the natural hazards relating to pollution because there are so many marriages which take place and these small pockets of waste snowball into a mammoth godown of waste which we depend on the municipality to clear.

Food wastage

I have written about food wastage before, but with particular to marriages I see people are in such a sick mentality and think as if they have some sworn right to eat what they want and trash the rest, have you realized how much effort it takes to produce that one grain of rice or that one slice of the vegetable or fruit? you trashed.

Please think about society and the poorer classes who are still waiting to eat a morsel and the environment which we pollute since our birth thinking we superior in the evolution! 

So we are chosen ones! Who has been blessed with best we can have but still why do we crib? Think about it for wasting food or because we enjoy too much and chose to crib or pastime.

Let’s start helping the have-nots around us and experience  the joy of giving and compassion

Thanks for your time, please let me know your feedback in the comment box.


Tussle- Story about a fight.

Hello Readers   I hope you all are doing great; it has been a long time since I wrote a blog, I have been a bit busy, but it is a great fe...