Friday 23 January 2015

The Super Computer.

Hello readers
Hope you guys are fine,lets understand the topic for today.
Most of us know names, of many Super-computers, designed in the world and their, amazing capabilities.
To give some examples, we have the IBM stark which can answer questions like any human, the computers in the satellites, which gives us weather updates and many more
But still I don't agree they are so Super as they know how to use logic,from the program we have deviced and loaded, but actually they don't think,they are like many animals who work on instinct.
Actually to achieve this treasure of success with computers, brilliant people have strived for it, which is great and should be appreciated.
Now after talking about the great computers lets talk about the human computer,yes the brain, there is no match for this wonderful wonder, which is protected by a calcium shell,this computer is so great that, it has unlimited memory!
The possibilities
So what can your brain do? Just start thinking, you will get the next task which you feel you should do!, actually the first task you did just now is you thought!
Just think about some verbs in english now,you will realise you would have done all those actions already once.
I recently watched a movie called, Lucy which I guess have mentioned in my earlier blogs,it explains about the use of our cerebral valves capacity! Which is actually proved in Hindu mythology,it has quoted about people who could teleport,see future and so on, archaeologists and scientists have proved certain phenomena like the vimana shastra.
After telling you about the amazing capabilities of the brain, I would like to throw some light on the current scenario which is actually not so encouraging.
People are wasting this precious life, only with childish acts, arrogance, violence, materialism, stupidity, egoism and the constant greed for the so called "vitamin M"?!
Where are we heading to? Come on start using this beautiful computer,and  become productive, spread this knowledge, the ancient people did it, for planning a civilization, we should do it for building world peace.
As the bible days "salvation lies within "
Let's become wise in our thinking and try to make this place a better place to live to one and all.
I would like end with a message :think positive,when you are about to quit,just think why you started,think about  people like stephen hawking who is a living legend.let's make that change.
Thanks for your time.


Keerthi Sudhakar Vasishta said...

Interesting read

journo_murthy said...

i have no comment to offer, my prayer is that more such youths view life the way you do and work form higher values invoking divine help

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Hello Readers   I hope you all are doing great; it has been a long time since I wrote a blog, I have been a bit busy, but it is a great fe...