Saturday, 26 December 2015

The voice that matters.

Hello readers’ Good Morning!

Hope you are doing good, merry Christmas and a happy new-year

"God is not present in idols. Your feelings are your god. The soul is your temple."
- Chanakya

The new-year is just five days away, so it’s the time to start writing or rather list the resolutions and try again to understand the meaning of our life and try to improve it and making it more meaningful.

So when we talk about voices they are very important in our life, we all definitely know what is a voice, it is that sound produced in the larynx and uttered through the mouth.

OK, let us do a small exercise I will give you some words just think about them and tell me the voices that first strikes you when you read these words: Leader, Teacher, friend, enemy, music, motivator, and argument.

I am sure you guys would have got your own names, these people first strike your mind because they have made an impact in your life these voices can be of your favorite actor or an actress or even a news reader or anyone.

But there is one universal voice that can break you or make you, and that is your own voice and this voice I am talking about is not that you use to speak or communicate with others but this is the voice which is always silent and only you can hear it but I can assure that this voice keeps speaking to you all the time and you always hear or rather listen to it.

We talk to our voices in every moment of our life, suppose you want to eat something and you see that when you are passing by near a random hotel that sense of jolly feeling rushes out from inside and someone says: Dude you love that stuff go grab a bite!

We always say we are directed by our mind, which I totally agree with but, we are aware that the mind talks to you and the tone has a meaning? You know this field is called mind narration which is a very advance branch of science I recently read about on mint, first time in USA a group of scientists and doctors defined this term, and devised a method to track down the thinking process of criminals.

From the above study they also found another good use of this research that even common men’s minds can be understood, so that they can think better and live better.

For example if you take a situation that you are walking on the road and you see one of your friend passing by, but unfortunately before you even could call him he tripped on the footpath and injured himself, so initially you were happy seeing him and was eager to meet him , but now after he fell you got a spark of sympathy and the voice changed inside and it sounds more protective which will reflect in your actions as well, so you make sure to go and help him and drop him home

Next time when you are suddenly face a situation, try to observe your own voice you can easily find out your thought process and how you are planning to overcome that problem and the whole process explained by the voice.

We are the best judges for ourselves we can cheat any number of people in this world but we cannot cheat ourselves as the voice already knows that what you did was not right and it is already in remorse for what you did.

When our actions are good this inner voice of the mind talks to you boldly at the same when we err the voice is submissive but tries to defend itself just to make you feel comfortable and that defense is being propelled by your own ego which always fools you by saying you’re always right. But at that moment when your voice was pale and not bold you have already erred and accepted your mistake.

This voice which is not heard by anyone in this world except for you is the best judge that you can depend on because it knows all about the actions you do and gives you the judgement each day.

Listen to your own voice, respect it and always consider The Voice before your next action.

Have a great weekend. I would like to thank each one of you for reading my blogs that motivation has made it possible to reach my first tiny milestone of 100 blogs.

Thank you all 

Saturday, 19 December 2015


Hello readers

Good morning hope you all are fine.

It’s not the years in your life that counts. It’s the life in your years.
-Abraham Lincoln

We live in the present always that is what we believe but, there is fact that most of us are aware, the light that we receive from the sun is old they call it a billion year old light since it is shining since then.

How fascinating it would have been when the scientists concluded this? Just put yourself in that lab, you will jump in joy.

I had recently been  to a historical place in Kerala it is called Kannur it is located on the west coast of "God's own country" I was impressed after seeing the forts built by the Portuguese and how it was forcefully taken away by the Dutch, the royal history of the Arrakal family and so on.

St. Anglo Fort Kannur, India
 I was thinking all the time when I was seeing all these relics’, old buildings.

So what was I thinking? Well my first thought was these guys who came all the way from faraway countries who discovered the sea route  had great strategies in place, they were very enterprising and also clever business men who started taking control over our kings who were just money minded and very much in negotiation with the foreigners which we can see even today.

This is the time when India had become the trade hub and also an ironical war zone. I call it ironical because wars were fought between foreign countries where Indian soldiers where involved without no good motive.

The culture of working for others had begun at this time, so don't crib if you are working for an MNC now, well that was on a lighter note.

Then came an empire which just looted India in the name of East India Company.
So history is a brilliant subject to read and enjoy, keep rewinding back in time read about the managerial models followed down the time line that would help you to lead a better life, let us all become pilot archaeologists, and start understanding and unearthing unknown historical facts.

When you go back and read history nothing is unfair or fair because that moment is over and what happened was bound to happen and all the forces made that to happen, but there is a take away here, we have not been able to go back in time till now, but we can always learn from history and not repeat those mistakes made.

All the best and have a great weekend.

Saturday, 12 December 2015

In Sync.

Hello readers

Hope you are doing great.

Maturity comes when you start making excuses and start making changes.

There are certain places in this world which always needs workforce and literally works 24*7 it takes lot of courage to be in such jobs and the person who are employed in such places are certain to feel negative about their job at times, as a matter even I work in such a work culture but at the end of the day deep down my heart I feel happy and I get that one step ahead in maturity and understanding the situation.

When we talk about maturity, remember I have written about it earlier but, I would like to write a refresher on this looking it from another end of the room.

It is actually a very important value or component in a person's life.

We know the process of germination, after a farmer  sows the seeds his job is done, what happens next is pure chemical biology, which no technology can beat and this earth has the most advanced technologies built by nature which we can never fully replicate.

Now if we take the example of the germination process, the plant that is born after the seed you planted is already pre-determined like an algorithm it grows as if someone had programmed it to do so.

Similarly a person's nature is predetermined and to certain extent his view towards others, the way they solve issues and their cognitive view of this world.

So are we in sync?

The sync I am talking about is understanding people around you, sometimes I see people complaining about their peers that he will never understand us what is the problem with him and so on.
Whatever position we are Life we should have the skill to read people and understand them.

I see lot of misunderstandings that is happening in families where each person has his own interests and fails to show sympathy and empathy when needed; come one man is called the social animal I think that says it all.

I feel we should all develop this power which is already programmed and stored in our brains that ripens as we grow old and we call it maturity.

we need to understand our world around, and believe me if you first understand your world you will also achieve your goals easily as you are in sync :)

Thanks for your time have a nice day.

Saturday, 5 December 2015


Hello readers 

Hope you all are doing great.

Don't ever let someone tell you, you can't do something not even me.
-Chris Gardner.

Another week ends at corporate; to be frank each day is a challenge here that makes me realize how much we are dependent on technology and other paraphernalia.

Sometimes I feel Mr James Cameron's imagination was right when he directed the movie judgement day or Terminator 2 as it is better known by us.

Hmm... So ground zero it is, I first heard this phrase on discovery channel in a documentary about building a space shuttle. It means the actually state or level of progress of the space programme.

The part that amused me was when I heard a scientist saying "ground zero is what I think about my project which is in the basic stage now just above the earth and I need to send it to the moon, rest of it which the public knows is what the PR manager thinks it is". After hearing this I was questioning myself so what the PR claims to be ground zero is actually not the actual truth, but the same time I cannot say that it was lies but I can say it is the way may be it should be reported.

The next I thought that shook me is that are my ground zeros' matching with my current situation in life? And I am frank enough to tell you that it is not all the time. So now if you think that “OK so this guy admitted today that he lies to people" I am sorry I don't lie, but my answers would have differences because of legitimate reason and would be justified.

For instance if you know that one of your relative will not make it and you have another member of your family, who is ill and you know he cannot take such a terrible news, so when he will ask how is that relative's health you cannot say he is about to die, you would have replied, well he is improving.

But there are certain other situations where people assume your ground zero and make statements which are only sweet to hear like when you say you are working in a big firm people think you would are happiest person, but you know the ground reality, which may be matching with their assumptions or it is a sad story where you realized it was mistake joining that job, and you absolutely hate it. 

Yes life challenges all of us with these confusions where your hold yourself in not telling that actual experience of how you feel about. But you know that is actually normal, because everyone has their own prescriptive and you need to leave them to experience themselves and find out the ground reality.

I feel you should explain your actual experience to some people for whom it is helpful, for example you are working for a long time and a final year college going student is your friend so tell him how you feel about your job, you can tell him the truth, and reduce his rough ride in his career to certain extent and you will be contented that you helped someone today and all that years of hard work did help someone. 

We all know the ground-zero of whatever we are doing and the most essential party is when you compare your own ground zero situation with your PR which I compare it to your own brain the answers should always match if they don't it is very unfortunate and shows you’re just cheating yourself.

Hope you enjoyed the discussion.

Thanks for your time have a great day ahead.

Tussle- Story about a fight.

Hello Readers   I hope you all are doing great; it has been a long time since I wrote a blog, I have been a bit busy, but it is a great fe...