Friday 13 February 2015

Understanding within.

Hello readers

Happy weekend, hope you had a good week.

Well its time to blog again,today I wanted to talk about,this billion dollar question, in the world of science and spirituality, that would be, do we have a soul.

To be frank let me tell you before I begin this,, actually considered as one of the weighty, philosophical, and spiritual stuff which youths find it glum to read.

But actually speaking it is really interesting.

So let me start, we have read many articles, of this concept of soul and body,and people saying, he had a good soul so God  blessed him!  Why don't, they say, he was such a kind man, so God blessed him. I agree that people would say that but at  the same  instance they will say this phrase too.

So already many people have accepted the presence of souls. It is true and I thank the people who have accepted.I thank them because they know the reality, and why they are doing, the deeds what they do in their daily life.

The last statement is little confusing, I know but just read it again you will get it.

So more about soul and body,this is according to my little knowledge as I already told you. There is this soul, or spirit, inside us not sure in which form,but it makes you play,dance, cry and do all the activities it wants through the body. or the so called you.Which is just an instrument.

So are there bad spirits and good spirits, of-course,there are, have you not seen great people and also thugs and traitors in a single country?, that would be the best example.

But there is a responsibility, that can be taken care by the body (You) that is, choose to do or not to what your soul,keeps instructing you to do!

If you ask me, how can I control such a huge force, which can travel from one body, to another?! I would simply say yes, because, do not forget,we have a  this beautiful instrument called brain,I believe it can yell at this soul, to shut up, when it is trying act cranky!.

There are many books which has shown the world that the soul and body can be seperated.

Even the Hindu scriptures,and great sanyasis like Sri Shankaracharya, Sri Madava acharya spoke about about soul. And gave enlightenment to the society.

To conclude I would like to say, there is a soul, whether we accept it or not but its in our control until it moves to the next body, so when it has come to your body, let it be the, best soul ever and live for ever in the minds of people.

Lets understand ourselves from within starting from our  soul, and lead a meaningful  life. 

Thanks for your time, have a great weekend.

The picture shows: Scientist Photographs of the Soul Leaving The Body
The timing of astral disembodiment in which the spirit leaves the body has been captured by Russian scientist Konstantin Korotkov, who photographed a person at the moment of his death with a bioelectrographic camera.


Unknown said...

Yes it is within us to show ourselves to expose the truthfulness of our soul within us and keep it safe even after it leaves us

Unknown said...

Yes it is within us to show ourselves to expose the truthfulness of our soul within us and keep it safe even after it leaves us

journo_murthy said...

sorry, once it leaves the body, other forces come into play. while living however, and at the time of death the soul may have some leeway
the brain is biological. the mind is mythical, yet shapes our life till the point when it turns almost similar to the original mind.
master the mind, and the thoughts emanating from it. half the battle is won. the easier way is to hand ourselves over to a higher power who knows what is most relevant for our ascent ..

journo_murthy said...

sorry, once it leaves the body, other forces come into play. while living however, and at the time of death the soul may have some leeway
the brain is biological. the mind is mythical, yet shapes our life till the point when it turns almost similar to the original mind.
master the mind, and the thoughts emanating from it. half the battle is won. the easier way is to hand ourselves over to a higher power who knows what is most relevant for our ascent ..

S. Sridhara Murthyu said...
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S. Sridhara Murthyu said...

The Fifteenth Chapter Bhagavad Gita gives the most authoritative statement on Reincarnation on Trans-migration of Soul.
I reproduce here the Commentary of Sri Shankara Bhagavatpada in translation by Swami Gambirananda on the relevant Verses: Please observe that in three places in The Gita the Lord asserts the divinity of Soul in bondage or Jeevatma, and this is the most explicit and clear declaration.
15.7 It is verily a part of Mine which, becoming the eternal individual soul in the region of living beings, draws (to itself) the organs which have the mind as their sixth, and which abide in Nature.

15.8 When the master leaves it and even when he assumes a body, he departs taking these, as wind (carries away) odours from their receptacles.

15.9 This one enjoys the objects by presiding over the ear, eyes, skin and tongue as also the nose and the mind.

15.10 Persons who are diversely deluded do not see it even when it is leaving or residing (in this body), or experiencing, or in association with the qualities. Those with the eye of knowledge see.

15.11 And the yogis who are diligent see this one as existing in themselves. The non-discriminating ones who lack self-control do not see this one though (they be) diligent.

15.12 That light in the sun which illumines the whole world, that which is in the moon, and that which is in fire,-know that light to be Mine.

15.13 And entering the earth I sustain the beings through (My) power; and nourish all the plants by becoming Soma [According to S. and most other translators, Soma means the moon.-Tr.] which is of the nature of sap.

15.14 Taking the form of Vaisvanara and residing in the bodies of creatures, I, in association with Prana and Apana, digest the four kinds of food
15.15 And I am seated in the hearts of all. From Me are memory, knowledge and their loss. I alone am the object to be known through all the Vedas; I am also the originator of the Vedanta, and I Myself am the knower of the Vedas.

Tussle- Story about a fight.

Hello Readers   I hope you all are doing great; it has been a long time since I wrote a blog, I have been a bit busy, but it is a great fe...