Saturday 24 December 2016

Self police

Hello readers

Hope you all are doing well.

We have 7 days left in this year and it shall pass fast and a fresh calendar will be viewed for the next 365 days.

We all are in the usual buzz and wonderment of how this year passed, it seemed like yesterday was first of January 2016?  Is what we hear each year, That is just an illusion we always end up living in.

There are a certain groups of people who also talk about repenting for the sins they have committed this year and how to wash them off!

Sorry for the guys who believe in such stuff because if you think logically how can you do it, it is like saying I am going to stick a broken iron bar with cement?!.

The crux is that only the sinner knows the way to wash of his own turpitudes.

Some people just burst out with emotions and confessing to on their misdeeds if I could call them so.

For a criminal who is been convicted in a heinous crime you know , he is petrified of only person now that is death, because the soul in this person has turned into a repenting machine and telling the body that it wants him to live.

Oh what a great confusion we all are into? Can we not just lead life like a straight line; is there a rule that it has to be like a trip to the Corsica or the Alps?

Let us imagine this: the world without jails, war, no harm to nature, no fights over race, religion and so on and the whole of earth is living in peace in harmony!

We all felt a little happy when we read the above lines  I am sure you will agree with me but the reality is actually alarming. Yes it is because many parts of the world are living in fear, and they are just waiting to kill each other! What a tragedy.

The Syrian war is such a pain to see and imagine what the common citizens like you and me will be undergoing there. Mosul is almost moving towards its end.

What can we do from here is just pray each day their situation improves.

Do you know the most amazing part is that we know what we are doing and we exactly know what is wrong and what is right? Yes it is the truth and I feel it is obvious because every human has a public face and private face, are you thinking I am talking about two faced people no! I am not , what I mean to say is that there are certain places we open up and someplace where we behave in  a formal way and that is normal , the reason I state it as a public and a private face is because I think that is the easiest way to convey my thought.

The public face is the outline of you and how other people perceive you.

The private face is you, and you only and this ‘you’ knows all about the public and private angle again!

Lot of ‘yous’ in the sentence! But it is inevitable.

Unless we are not intoxicated with any kind of drugs I am sure we will be in our senses. We all are well aware when we have err.

The only argument is do we realize it soon or keep repeating same mistake again and again and realize it when we or on the deathbed or on the gallows!

At this moment when the year is about to end I would like to say to all the people who are going to read this blog, be vigilant on yourself then I am sure the people around you will automatically not behave unreasonably with you and, even if they do so they will learn something that day and try not to repeat it next time and rather improve next time.

Self-police is a concept which is now practiced in correction centers in the US and UK to build this awareness among the convicts which is intended to help them when they are out of prison. And if you ask me the question: “How can we follow something which was practiced in a prison”. My reply would be “You like the low waist jeans concept where do you think originated from”?

Basically it means you police yourself and correct yourself, numerous organizations implemented this technique as an audit control which will first check its own records then call the external auditors.

Self-clean up is always better is what I feel.

Try this for yourself I feel you will feel better and cleansed from inside and sleep a happy person that night.

Life is like a bicycle, you need to balance it to keep going
-Albert Einstein

If you want to test a man, give him power.
-Abraham Lincoln

The best part is when you start practicing this. I think we will be our own boss and we won’t give a chance for anyone else to point fingers at us.

Thanks for your time, have a great week ahead.

Saturday 17 December 2016

Are you Mr Nosey?

Hello reader

Hope you are doing well.

When you look at something around, you get a stream of thoughts on your mind that according to learned scholars is your basic thinking model of how your brain looks at this world.

I Will give you a small example when you look at a poster on the street of some product you may perceive what is the good feature of the commodity displayed, your friend may like the price of the, this is a simple concept that we almost aware of, but do you know the way we perceive shows our thinking model and our attitude, let us discuss more on this.

From the time in our lives we start building our perceptions about this world and foster over our own meanings we unknowingly end up in learning how the society works, how processes work and that they call “meaningfulness”.

But all good things will have cons in this case what is that, well you know humans become over smart to such an extent that they finally cheat themselves.

A small instance, you see two people talking pointing at you and laughing there is  a chance you  jump into a conclusion that they are laughing at you, in worst cases you may end up rebuke them only to embarrassed they were laughing at a banner which was just in your line of sight.

Ego is good for humans actually because without this self-personality we would lack a character, if you read the above line again there are 3 words which are synonymous yup you are right I am talking about ego, self-personality and character which one and the same.

We call ourselves adults and sometimes behave in such a way that we are not fit to be called as one.

We snoop on almost everyone possible in this world and we forget that there something even called as “minding our own business”

Why does this happen? We all have inherited this quality from our ancestors the apes they used this technique to gather food, a senior in the family used to  shout when he locates a branch full of fruits or lush green foliage this activity is called as ‘echoing’ in evolution biology hearing this call all the other family used to jump to that particular branch of the tree or to the place and share that food.

If you have noticed in big offices where there is a cubical arrangement people suddenly take their eyes of their workstations when someone makes a weird noise or a loud laugh or a cry or you hear a rubble, this is your last remaining quality of the ape in you which is still not mutated and vanished from us like the tail of an primate.

It’s about time and I seriously say it is about time, we start minding our own business try to do something meaningful, I don’t expect anyone to do something good to society atleast be good to your family and friends and yourself, that would propel you to think atleast and if you put your thinking image in the mind of the guy next door there is a hope this society will improve.

We are judging people around us without even knowing them, when we end up in this mode first let us think do they mean anything to us in our lives and also what will we get if we just snoop or gossip on someone.

Are snoopers snooping on their own pains?  Probably.
-Martin Amis-famous British Novelist.

Think again.

Thanks for your time.

Sunday 11 December 2016

Purely scientific

Hello readers
Hope you guys are doing well.

The intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment.
The above definition is what is called as science.

I had been to my cousin’s wedding recently as you know the pass time these days if you don’t meet any people of your own age group is your ‘smart phone’ I know we could talk to some elders as well, in my case I chose my phone.

From the beginning when I started reading the general anthropology which was a part of my syllabus embedded in various subjects in the various levels of my education, I was fascinated how the older generations recorded, communicated and transferred information.

Particularly talking about Hinduism and the Vedas, I was reading about the family divisional systems as described in the Vedas the reason why I wanted to find this out is that, I actually wanted find out the actual origin of my own cult, just thinking about makes you feel happy try it, imagine your forefathers just being nomads in a lonely land and today you, in this silicon era!

So I found this beautiful and informative article about, the gotra system or clans, so to start from the basics what do we mean by Gotra or a clan you can call it a tribe or a group and also a root, so let us keep it as a representation of a group of people.

The time line is the mid of 1st millennium BCE (Before Christ era) and this is the first evidence of the existence of the gotra system, in Vedic India.

For example if we take a gotra called the Kashaya gotra it means that the people under the name of this gotra are direct descends of this maharishi or the great sage.

According to Indian mythology these  maharishis are considered the direct descendants of Lord Brahma  they are: Gautama, Bharadvaja, Vishvamitra, Jamadagni, Vasishtha, Kashyapa, Atri, Aghamarshana and Kaushika, so almost all Hindus who are defined by a gotra are considered to be the descendent of one of these Rishis, this was followed by Kula, and vamsha which stands for group of people performing rituals in a similar way and the dynasty which carry them forward.

Let me come to the scientific part of the subject, let us think for while why did the ancient Indians make this system of gotra, Kula and vamsha the answer is startling but impressive the motive behind this system is to curb inbreeding or incest (marriage of siblings) you know I was not shocked about the word incest, but as seriously was baffled by the level of knowledge and understanding those people because of whom we have a life today had.

Come-on the bad effects of close marriage and cross-cousin marriages is being discouraged by the English medicine since recently though the bible also is against cross cousin marriages they were still taking place.

The statistics show that there are some selected families in India who suffered from close marriage issues compared to the western countries this is because people in India are still following the old procedure of marriage atleast majority of them do, by comparing the birth charts, Kula, Gotra the progeny is made stronger which is convergent aimed at continuing the generation of that clan or group.

Simple but effective, yes these were the types of methods our great forefathers followed.

The identity
If someone asks you to introduce yourself, you would end up saying your name, your qualification and so on, what did the Brahmins do to identity themselves?

Well they created short notes which would identify them and they call it Pravara.

A Pravara consists of Rishis of whom he is a descendent of usually 3 Rishis are mentioned in the Pravara, sometimes even six Rishis can also be mentioned.

Kapi: Angirasa, Aamahaiya,Orukshaya

The grouping system of the ancients were brilliant and they targeted he cast system only to differentiate people based on their profession, Alas this system has been misused badly and many classes of people are facing problems.

The Synopsis is that the modern generations should think before condemning any system which was made by people long ago, because we are living  today through their survival and cultural systems history otherwise who knows we may have ended up as the dinosaurs  
We should imbibe inspiring thoughts and should follow the righteous path. If this is done then progress is sure and certain.

­-Yajur Veda

Thanks for your time have a great week ahead.

Monday 5 December 2016


Hello readers

How are you doing today?

We meet all types of people each day, some become our friends, many just pass by , among the people we meet we all have a general tendency to judge people, pass comment on each other and sometimes even mock at them, look at them as you are the superior and the latter worse than trash or vice-versa, do you think all of this is good to do and does it add any life to our years, or does it add only years to our life. Let us discuss.

Going back to the last sentence in the previous paragraph, let us meditate on this phrase “add life to our years or years to our life” well it seems too simple to understand, actually it is simple.

The first part says “add life to our years” which means, when we follow certain habits in life, it will give us satisfaction, peace of mind and also a good night’s sleep and self containment.

The second part “add years to your life” is not such a pleasant feeling it simply implies it is just adding years to this mortal body without being any use to  the environment around.

Who is a fool? Again an easy question, we normally say a person who does not understand how the world works? Is a fool, who can get easily cheated is a fool? Or who takes bad decision is also a fool. I agree with all of that but, I want to introduce you to a person who is leading a good life, he is not an idiot, who knows how the world works but still I feel he is fool and I call him a learned fool.

The person in question is not a great educationalist or a rationalist he is living within me and you, yes the sad truth we all behave like learned fool at times, I seriously do not mean any offence to anyone but as they say truth is bitter.

I remember sometime back I had written a blog about fools, I have a short lived memory, but I am clear in my mind that I had not spoken about this aspect.

Why I want to criticize this group of  given population and call them scholarly chumps is  because they behave in such a manner which seriously do not correlate age with their educational qualification or the background from where they come from.
They also forget basic manners at times and behave in a childish manner which will be an embracement for the folks of their family, friends and people around him/her.

If you ask me to be precise and name few qualities of these jesters here are they: always trying to find fault in others, mocking people for no reason, trying to copy others, bumping into conversations, trying to show the world they know everything including the big-bang theory, back answering people, peep into or rather poke into someone else’s business and snoop on them gossiping on them, assuming things without any basis.

There is another group of people whom I call negative fall guys! Because they spend half their life cribbing about what they don’t have, comparing what others have and pressuring family folks to get those which they do not have, grumbling on simple issues and absolutely no ability to take stress and reacting  like a rogue in all situations, treating money as the only valuable thing in the world giving least importance to feelings, emotions, family, friends.

Even people becoming emotional and bursting out with people who do not even care about them are also not wise, because the world is becoming a mean place where your grief is someone’s happiness and an entertainment to others, that is the illusion of life where a person does not realize until something worse happens to him and continues to take please in others pain until it happens to himself.

So do these people ever realize all these nuances any time before they leave this world? If they do, I feel that is the best thing that could happen to him.

If not then they will be in a situation where people try to throw stones inside a glass house trying to prove who is wiser!

These quotes are pertinent “Man lives less, dies more” and another famous quote “fools are not born they become”

I thank you for your time, I hope you will take this in the right spirit and kick start your thinking engine and evaluate yourself accordingly.

Have a nice day ahead.

Wednesday 30 November 2016

Love and being Loved.

Hello readers

Hope you all are doing fine.

Let me start the article with a question, which are those words which we feel warm when you perceive them.

I will name a few: happiness, rain, flowers, nature, vacation and last but not the least I would say love.

Yes actually that is the expression in discussion today ‘Love’. Do you know the USA generates more than a trillion dollars on gifts which are given to express love?

Amazing isn’t it, but still why are there some alarming numbers of divorces which are happening and the rosy hearts are become dry and left with thorns of loneliness?

My second question would be do we all really understand the meaning of love? This would a discussion I would like to put across to all my dear readers, In the following paragraphs I will put out my perspective, I would like to know from you through comments what you think , so here it goes..

Well I don’t want to start with stereotypical way putting things, like love came from this Greek word and so on, we all know what is love, just for the record let us recollect, it is a strong feeling of affection towards someone or something. Someone may be your lover, parents, siblings, relatives your friend or your pet, irrespective of all the persons and the animals mentioned above the meaning of love remains the same.

But what we lack in this vertex of life is that we lose track of reality and end up in illusions and that is time where they forget the meaning of words like happiness and love.

There are many people who are behaving like fools, and I am sure we are noticing them daily and sometime feel surprised by the way they are behaving, I have seen people close to me say they are  so relived their wives are not there today, some have said they have hit a jackpot! And exclaim by saying their parents decided live separately? I am not exaggerating a thing these anecdotes have happened with me as an bystander.

So what is secret of loving someone and being loved? To be frank there is no secret I tell you love is a feeling which is connected to your deepest of thoughts and it is almost sub-conscious, pardon me I am telling you what we see in the movies is total crap that you saw someone and you hear people playing the fiddle and there! You are in love. Very sorry it is just a marketing aspect of that movie for the producers and directors to make some quick bucks which will be their return on investments, I agree we do not take the movies seriously but, unfortunately our sub-conscious is pre-programmed to store thoughts and put it into action If you keep on repeatedly seeing or listening to something, So it is not your mistake if you think well “ that is the way I need to fall in love and get married, the process is totally involuntary”

The Intimacy
Love is actually a very intimate feeling and the people who are love in definitely  don’t  advertise this fact to the whole world.

So now just think about all the people who were bragging about their ‘so called love stories’ which is either just bunkum or made up?

Love is a universal language there are  no differences..

You think there is a need to make up stuff on these type sensitive incidents which define a person, I would say yes because there are people in this world who are not being loved for their own faults, but just to satisfy their own ego and make themselves feel that there are normal, they may do this if that is the case I feel sorry for such people they would need some help.

There are also people who are being loved, but they do not give back the love to the people who deserve that love. I would call these types of people arrogant and foolish, a mother will definitely love her son or daughter and if the son or daughter does not know how to spring that love back then they have understood the purpose of life.

There is another theory in Indian philosophy that there are certain potentials of which you possess  are dogged by  the deeds that you have done in your previous birth what is called the Karma and reincarnation; though I do not buy this discussion totally I give it the benefit of doubt.

We can almost understand the true meaning of love practically almost only by very few people like your mother, father and the pet dog, yes it is a bitter truth the rest of the world would love you for something in return, agree I am generalizing it but as I told you at the start of my discussion this is my perspective. The people who marry and say they need a divorce and the college folks who like to have a break-up every six months don't even know what is ardency and they are not serious in what they do again spoilt by their environment and their weak character.

Being in love is actually the best of feelings one can have in life at the same time when you are in this phase you will learn to wait, develop patience, learn to become selfless and sacrifice your likes and all these are done only for staying in that feeling called love.

 Being loved or you loving anyone is a virtue, spread the feeling around you and try to make this world a better place.

“The most precious feeling in if life is the feeling of being loved by someone”

Thanks for your time, have a nice day.

Monday 21 November 2016

Angular difference.

Hello readers

Hope you all are doing great.

Angular differences are they so important in life?  Let’s discuss it.

The story of angular difference begins even before our birth, because during the cell division the chromosomes divide in a study phase of angular differences   which finally breaks the chromosomes to make it what we are today.

The angular difference I was referring to in the above para is time!

Now why do I call it so? Because it is pointed alteration. Few blogs ago I had written about a study, which is carried on by a researcher who wants to prove that time does not exist and has proposed we all follow and define time which is actually an angular difference or the angle which changes gradually as the earth rotates , as a result we have the day and the night.

Moving away from theories and hypothesis let us talk something practical. How much is time important to all of us.

Actually I know we all know the answer for this simple question, but why  many of us fail to realize it even though we know.

This is where the falling out like maturity, realizations, late comprehensions, quick reaction and presence of mind comes into picture.

I am seeing people around me who are just living in time without any goals, what is this living in time? I consider time as a resource which is not renewable, so the more you waste this resource, oh what a loss that is!

We get guilty at times about wasting time in the past and not heeding to words from our parents or any good friends who were foreseeing our future and trying give us some good suggestions, but at that moment we were living out of time! And never got the apprehension that we have lost that interval of angular difference in this space time race!

There is a Chinese proverb which says “ the best time to plant tree was 20 years ago the next best time is now” so true isn’t it?  So suppose now you have realized it is the best time to plant the tree please goes ahead.

Realize your mistakes, say sorry to people whom you had hurt with or without knowing, move on in life make the best use of what’s left, instead of getting stuck in the worm holes of grudge, worry and living in the past  and stereotyping of your own thinking process.

“See yourself in the mirror every morning, if you are not satisfied with the image you see, that means you are not happy with your life, and you need to work on it, keeping the time you have left with.”
-Steve Jobs

Live in the present and that is the biggest challenge, when you live like this you will live in time!

Will conclude on that note, remember the angular difference is always changing and it will never stop, so better you buck up your speed and be in-sync with the speed of Time.

Thanks for your time, have a great evening ahead.

Tuesday 15 November 2016


Hello readers.

Hope you all are doing well

Love and compassion towards animals are necessities not luxuries without them humanity cannot survive.

What arrogance is this?! Exclaimed Prathap a college going lad fuming and banging his bag on the sofa. What happened dear son asked his mother? He explained to his mom what he saw, they had left a helpless Labrador puppy on the road and the who Prathap referred was a family just living 2 homes away from their house.

Pratap and his family were a very kind and compassionate family, they adopted the puppy.

Time passed by and the puppy was now a fully grown dog which always kept the family lively and happy.

Pratap finished his routine and tucked himself that night he saw a dream that night it was very intense:

He jumped out of the bed  early morning and ran to his mom  and expressed what he had dreamt of:

“It was  somewhere in the future way ahead of time and this era the animals were more advanced than us the humans, there were zoos where humans were locked in cages. There were places where humans were tied like dogs which were considered as security for the houses of real dogs!

The food the animals were eating was just like now how we eat them! Only difference was that it was the other way round.

The greatest amazement of the dream was that the humans had almost reached the brink of extinction due to various factors, and that was the end of the dream.

But the gateway is that the planet was full of trees and plants and no pollution of any sort and all the species had great numbers, except us."

The youngster now started thinking of this situation actually felt happy at the same time was a little startled by just thinking that it could happen to him.

Now I put this question to you, how do you feel if you are exploited by all the animals? They would just put a price tag on your flesh and eat it with crazy names like chicken buckets, grill, sausages, hotdogs and so on? What will happen to you if you are treated as a Ginny man instead of a pig and all the chemicals in the world are pumped in your body in the name of medicinal or drug  testing?

One day this could be our future!

What would happen to you if you are separated from your newborn for the sake of milk and your baby is just treated as trash and just massacred to death the moment it is born?

Suppose you are culled for your teeth, skin and almost all the body parts that can be poached from you?

Well my dear friends hope you are with me, I am not feeling emotional today  I am not trying to tell something which don’t we know; we all know this but we hardly care.

We have reached such a pathetic state in the history of mankind that it has motivated to eat almost anything that breathes from prawns to octopus to rabbit, snakes, seahorses why don’t we just eat each other?

Have we gone back to the prehistoric period where we do not know what we should eat? if you continue to eat almost all these sea animals and even larger animals the human generations will mutate which is a proved fact because the artificial chemicals we add in the daily chicken, mutton and beef and also some of the sea food which is largely consumed among the meat eaters! this phenomenon is called bio-magnification.

I appeal for some thinking and reconcilements within our brains and just attempt to be sympathetic towards other creatures.

If you choose to be a non –vegetarian no issues it is your choice but atleast draw some line that you would not cross come on eating timid rabbit? How can we, animal borne diseases have increased 40 % in the last 8 years?

I am surprised because it is obvious if you keep eating protein pumped up flesh which is artificially produced in poultry what happens is just natural.

Lastly why should we pelt stones at stray animals, and later complain all dogs bite people can we not have the decency to walk without troubling animals, the point is we consider that we are the most superior species ever created.

As I mentioned in my blog “who is more evolved” the animals are way ahead of us.

Start the awareness among people, build networks save the endangered species, start petitions that should ban consumption of rare and  precious sea animals enforce the laws, stop celebrating big fat weddings.

Let us  show the actual maturity and prove that we are humans who have humanity, and we are not the same barbarians once existed.

Thanks for your time, will look forward for your comments and suggestions.

Have a great week ahead.

Monday 7 November 2016

Bottle Rockets.

Hello readers

Hope you all are doing well.
If you can’t clean your surroundings, then don’t make it dirty.

I have enjoyed bursting crackers and I believe you would have also, but today I want to ask you and also myself how many of us got the thought and that basic question why do we actually burst fire crackers? I know we asked our parents and relatives they would have told you about the usual Indian rituals and stories and that is why we do what we do on Deepavali or popularly known as Diwali the festival of lights.

So the story begins in China in 1600’s where the Chinese as part of their four great inventions which include the gunpowder, invented fireworks to drive away evil spirits.

The basic composition of a firework is some highly reactive chemicals like Sulphur and magnesium and other chemicals such as barium, calcium strontium, lithium charcoal iron and lampblack, titanium, aluminum, beryllium. Basically all these chemicals are used to emit respective colors and finally gunpowder is the catalyst.

After we have learnt the fundamental mechanism  of the chemical composition of the fireworks, again I will come back to the basic question, do we actually know why we burn fireworks during the festival of lights, we come out conventional answers yes there was a victory of good over evil, the mythology yes I  respect that.

But the point is the whole idea of fireworks did not originate in India, may be this was one of the oldest Chinese ‘dumping’ that happened to India and other countries of the world.

We may feel a little apprehensive when I quote the term ‘Dumping’ but actually as a matter of fact it is true because I could not find any evidence of any scripture that says to burn a capsule of paper filled with gunpowder and an oxidizer and enjoy the noise from the explosion.

Let’s think what is the point of burning currency for an exchange  of colorful displays accompanied with cancer causing smoke!

I got my realization 11 years ago and I stopped bursting any type of fireworks! But I am unhappy people still enjoy creating noise and air pollution and enjoy it, without thinking.

If we actually are cultural and say yes we are proud to be whatever religion we are following we should show the purity in follow it, according to Hindu Dharma I quote “a Hindu should not do anything that creates a rift or an imbalance in the five forces of nature” which is believed to be the source of this energy, life, spirit there are various names for it.

I feel we should start questioning about the culture or rituals we do, and stop feeling emotional about it or not asking the same for the sake of fear.

Do you know the only simple reason I am asking you to ask this question, it is  simple when you create pollution of any sort, it not only a nonsense for you in some cases it may not be as well! But it is unnecessary trouble for the whole environment and it is definitely will impact the other beings which live around you who are not as complex beings as us and they do not enjoy these amusing effects as we do!  They just need some food to eat and clean air to breath and we as the so called super intelligent species have reached such a stage of arrogance that we deny that as well to these animals, plants and birds! For that matter the entire phyla! What a disaster man has created. In cities the plight of star animals during these types of celebrations is such a pity.

People were advised not come out during Diwali in Delhi! And in today’s newspaper I read the pollution level in Delhi has reached the penultimate point! Can we atleast realize now?

Hats off to you Mr. James Cameron you saw that coming many years ago where machines rule humans and almost nothing is left on this earth, you made great movies the famous “Terminator series”, well I will say that judgement day what he has described will become the reality and it would be not as joyful as how we enjoyed when we had watched the robot driving the Harley Davidson and going boom boom with the shotguns!

Start thinking about what you are doing, think environment first because if you delete this word there is no further discussion about your cultures and religions, you could be walking in an oxygen capsule and your life will end like an astronaut who in outer space perishes if his spacesuit develops even a scar.

Atleast next Diwali let us celebrate it silently and show some courtesy of Mother Nature!

For all the people who suddenly become logical and say “ so what about the huge volumes  of industrial gases that we are thrown out which is poisonous to the environment , I agree with them, but that doesn’t mean you add up to that poisonous decoction and pump the air with more poisonous gases!

When you do something just ask one question ‘Why’?

Thanks for your time, have a great week ahead.

Tussle- Story about a fight.

Hello Readers   I hope you all are doing great; it has been a long time since I wrote a blog, I have been a bit busy, but it is a great fe...