Saturday 24 February 2018

The truth about you

Hello Reader
Hope you are fine today.
Mind is more powerful than you can imagine, it actually knows all your hidden talents but it does not have an instrument or a medium to tell  you, instead it is you who should become the medium and open up this secretive mind before your soul departs from your body empty that treasure chest full of thoughts and talents buried deep inside your mind and understand the purpose of your living.

Another week just flew away with the winds of time, just as it flew away I got some fresh thoughts which I wanted to share it with all of you today.

How many of you have thought about this? Your fears, your source of happiness, what excites you the most your likes and dislikes.
Definitely, I am sure you would have some thoughts about atleast some questions which I have mentioned above.
But still, there will be hidden truths about ourselves which you understand as time moves on, or it would be identified by the people around you, still wondering what I am trying to tell you?
Just a  simple instance will help you out, assume there is a micro group study being conducted on a group of people. The group was asked to walk on a particular street when they were suddenly shown a village roadshow, a simple poor family trying to show them some rope tricks like tightrope walking and the balancing act.
How would they react when they saw is, let me give you some choices to help you guess: would they feel happy and be amazed by the talent of the performers, or would they feel bad thinking about the poverty situation in India and think about talking to those kids’ parents and helping them attend school, or just walk away.
Even though the above example is simple and straightforward, there are certain inferences which we can trace from it.
First and foremost the example is a classical situation analysis which is presented by many trainers which help to understand the trainees' mind.
If you felt happy and amazed: that would infer you are a simple thinker and you just live the moment and a focused thinker, basically, goal oriented your goals first and societal goals later.
OK! Seeing the performance you thought for a while, even though you felt a little bit happy in the first place you continued to think and finally the smiling curve on your chin turned into a glum posture, as you realized those children were in a hardship and you felt they deserved better.
The third kind of people would be less emotionally oriented in life or fall into the category of others if you consider this a micro group study.
I would like to discuss more on the second inference, let us just assume  some ten people felt bad about it and started getting thoughts in their mind ,you know the type of thoughts which won't stop, which would also lead to a will and determination to do something and change the situation which they saw.
These are types humans who actually try to change the countries state from the grass root, I salute to all such type of people who would like to think like that.
Moving on, let us put you and me in that situational group study, how would you react? suppose your reaction relates to the category 2, that means my friend you think differently and there are lots of things to be done by you and is pending I would say start doing it don’t worry about the society or the people who  try to oppose what you want to do until and unless it not causing hurt to this society or environment.
The feeling and motivation which you got from inside to do what you wanted differently is the truth about you, that is what who you are or who you wanted to be, let me tell you many of us just shy away from what we want to become and do something totally different which we were not actually prepared for, but still excel in that do you know what it means, it says you are so talented you can excel in a field which you are not great at, imagine if you find and search and bring out your hidden talents would not achive your life goals and also feel contented?
People say we all are gifted with some talent when we are born, some people are good enough to understand that at an early age ad they excel with their strengths which is again awesome.
For others who feel discontented in what they do, expose yourself to the society to situations, to movies,to live performances or watch televisions I am sure the hidden truths will come out and actually are coming out as you are reading this and it is all your mind, the only thing which is remaining is whether  you want to work towards what you want to be at the cost of anything or just keep it aside and enjoy the comfortable situation you are in currently!
So it is all in you as mentioned in the thought at the beginning of the blog.
Thanks a lot for your time, let the hidden chest living inside you be opened up I wish you all well.

Thursday 15 February 2018

Human toys - A Ruthless reality

Hello Reader

Hope you are doing well.

Compassion to animals is connected with goodness of character, and it may be confidently asserted that he who is cruel to animals cannot be a good man.


We all are living in a world where we are not alone and now that question has gone still deeper with the research about aliens and the new question is are we alone in this universe?

Anyway coming back to earth, the focus today is to bring some awareness to the topic I am about to discuss and also the heights of how materialism can have an impact on humans.

Before I start this particular blog I would like it to say it is purely based on facts and my self-experience, and what my feeling about it, I request you to counter me in the comment box and make this a proactive discussion.

Here we go! Over the years domestication of animals has seen an increasing trend for various reasons for example if a farmer has a cow it has various uses and in urban areas people like to have pets at home like horses, dogs, cats, birds, fish even extreme cases of having a turtle at home and even more extreme cases of celebrities like Michael Jackson owning a private zoo in his ranch was a milestone, and people in the UAE like to have wild animals like lions and tigers as their pets!

My first question is, do we own all the rights to play with nature, however, we wish to because we think we have  got all the mind power in this world which these animals and birds do not have, I would agree with the second part of the question that we all do possess the mind power or what people called intellect, but I would never agree with the first part I do not have any right to cage a bird or chain a dog but still we all have done it!

Historically speaking,  the culture of keeping animals at a place started in Rome, where cats were considered as sacred followed by downing dogs was considered as a prestigious thing and it was used more productively used like looking after grazing sheep, which led to the terminology “the Shepheard” breeds and the dogs saving the lives of skaters in the alps popularly referred to as “retrievers” and the "bernads" and from then on the journey of humans was always not alone they were always more or less were in close association with animals may be just for love or to finish up the chores for which they were used for or purely business!

The Era
In the 1900s especially cats,  dogs, and horses were now in the recreation and entertainment industry, like dog shows, circus and even some movies in various languages.

Terms like show breed, show dogs were coined in these times, then horses were allowed to participate in bigger events like Equestrian in the summer Olympics which is still prevalent even today.

The mishap
I being an animal lover and an animal welfarist have been upset about few of the practices which are followed in the process of achieving the results discussed in the previous paragraph.

Now the major concerns are enthusiasts whose intentions are not what I am questioning  but their short-lived enthusiasm is what I want to question, according to me suppose if we bring home a dog please understand you have broken him up from its family and now all he has you and your home, which he has started loving more than himself, But unfortunately I am seeing dog owners just being very excited for some time after they bought their dogs and later the excitement dies and different ways are sought to move the dog out! I don't think that is fair, where is our commitment?

We have lost the meaning of lives and treating poor animals as commodities.

The problem of inbreeding has become prominent in cities, dogs with specific breeds like Labrador retrievers, German shepherds are common.

The result of inbreeding is that the even dogs are now victims of man-made genetic disorders, people cut the tails of parrots so that they can’t fly, a fish which is at the bottom of the food chain on which a major part of the ecosystem is dependent is asked to swim in a small glass tank so that you can just see it and enjoy?

Taking care of animals at home is not bad I am not against it, but do we know the correct methods to do this. The bigger question is can we care all the time or part with your pet when you feel it’s a burden to you.

Now think all animals are not just some things which we can just do whatever we want with it, they have a soul inside they too acknowledge your love and care and they start believing that you are its world.

Let us start taking responsibility and be considerate going forward, rather than buying pets from merciless breeders who have made this an industry and gone to the extent of getting their dogs undergo a cesarean just to meet deadlines! , try to adopt the strays and the abandoned ones!

For all the circus owners a small request stop using animals we have seen the cruel training behind an amusing trick have some mercy!

Nature has given us everything and we are part of it, so think what can we give back to nature suppose you feel you can’t give back anything try to change that answer from nothing to something and maybe one day make it most of the things. Do not treat innocent animals as toys they too have a life please understand this, they are not human toys!

Thanks a lot for your time.


Tussle- Story about a fight.

Hello Readers   I hope you all are doing great; it has been a long time since I wrote a blog, I have been a bit busy, but it is a great fe...