Sunday 19 June 2016

The Purity.

Good Morning! Readers

Hope you are doing great.

“Clouds come floating into my life, no longer to carry rain or usher storm, but to add color to my sunset sky.” ...

-Sri Rabindranath Tagore.

It was around four past thirty on my watch, as I started working on my daily BAU that is Business As Usual for you, the mechanical sound of one of my colleague opening the window shutter caught my ears.

I started my work, and the evening sun just swept across the tinted double-sheath glass like a strobe light on my desk. I am a nature lover so I just paused, looked at the sun for a while and laughed myself silly, and continued working.

You know I realized that nature is so powerful, and the mechanisms with which it works is so advanced and complex.

Apart from the advance and the complexity chunk there is another most important part, that is the purity factor.

The check of purity and impurity I guess only applies to us the humans why? Because  we are the only species on this planet who think of vitamin-M before thinking of anything else, of course there are exceptions but at least most of us do, and when it comes to money I am sure some folks are ready to do anything, like for starters add water to milk, add colored stones in a bag of rice, these mean acts which are done  to gain business is popularly called adulteration.

But in nature there is no problem of sullying because there is no need for anything to be  impure or pure because there are no buyers or sellers! What a weird situation isn’t it? Everything for free, and it is 100% pure.

It makes me glad to know that the nature is always pure, you take nectar or poison, and it is pure in nature. Just think since the sun started shining till today, we receive the same rays without a simple change in it; I feel that is just amazing.

We may all say fine dude!  This nature business you are talking about is complex physics, chemistry, geology and what not but still if you just remove your scientific caps and think as a  simpleton it makes you feel awesome.

The formula inside each seed or the genome of each living particle on the planet is defined, precise and pure, we all know magicians who perform confederate tricks which you  stumped . But I feel the actual magic is, you sow a seed of beans after few weeks you have a cute bean plant in your garden, same as the first bean plant of that particular species of bean which was born.

I respect nature a lot and always have been striving to protect it and conserve it with the little of which we have spared.

Sometimes I wonder if we can see nature from a different perspective and that would be as a person, just think of it a person who does not know what it is like to cheat anybody, a person who always thinks of doing good to others and he who always gives more and takes almost nothing and is a symbol of selflessness and most important of all is pure.

Would you like to hurt such a person?  I would definitely not, rather I would be a good friend of him and help him to grow and protect him.

Let us save nature and fight against the people who are exploiting  it remember because of nature’s own purity practices we are living in a world where air is free and shade of a tree,  the sweet voice of a bird, the beautiful breeze from a tree is still free of charge.Let us not end up in a pathetic situation where you store trees in a canned air museum just to show to the coming generations.

Please leave the pure nature alone, because he is the  best of friends.

Thanks a lot for your time, hope you enjoyed this blog request you to spread the message. 

Have a great weekend and a happy week ahead.

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