Saturday 7 November 2015

Stress buster.

Hi readers

Hope all of you are doing well.

Successful people have two things on their lips, 1.Smile and 2.Silence.

-Mark Zukerberg.

What is stress, well that is a simple question to ask. But the answers differ; stress can be described differently in diverse contexts: For a flower brisk wind is a stress but we enjoy it; for you a splash of water is refreshing but for a cat it is the most stressful thing that can happen.

There are countless examples that can be quoted but holistically the meaning of stress remains the same that is feeling dis-comfort, or biologically it is an emergency mode which your nervous system puts you into if it feels threatened, by releasing a range of stress hormones like, adrenaline and cortisol.

We all know what stress actually is and we have experienced it, there is no need to learn it from books because we all know stress since our birth.

When we talk about human stress in particular there are many factors that put us in stressful situations, like death, agony, poverty, work pressure and so on.

The next word that will strike our minds after stress is stress management popularly called as stress busting.

It is nothing but losing your stress, but there are many methods to lose stress, like practising yoga, meditation these are very common and famous.

But, have you heard giving stress and busting it, I know it seems a little rude but this is happening around you as you are reading this! So how can you give you stress and reduce your stress? Let us find out.

The stress busters.

I have mentioned earlier, that there are different type of stress reducing methods, but some people use others as stress busters, to start with a simple example you would recall some time back in your school days, that teacher who was always nice to you shouted on you on a beautiful morning for no reason, all through that day you were just recollecting as to why this happened. The next morning the teacher apologized to you by saying, “sorry my child I was not in my best of moods yesterday” this added to your confusion.

The above example is a classic case of how the stress of one person is just bounced on another just to release it.

Many people do this each day, I feel this is not a good habit; we should start managing our own lives instead of pushing our problems on others which is totally illogical.

For the people who take stress from others hats–off to them as they manage their own stress and also help reducing others stress.

Please stop transferring your load on others just because you can’t take it.

Thanks for your time, have a nice day.

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