Saturday 8 November 2014

The Great Minds.

Hello readers

Hope your doing good, it's Saturday again the only 2 days where we the corporate junkies can relax a bit and have some personal time! Let me start with a thought.
              simplicity is not so simple
-charlie Chaplin
              Moving on, I wanted to talk about some people and some organizations which have always amazed me and try to understand the energy and spark that keeps them going on achieving their goals by facing all the issues and challenges.

                 If a group of people, work together in coordination to each other with a specific goal in mind, it becomes an organization of people.
               some history about the concept of how this type of systems emerged,the best known natural organization in the world even today is the ant colony!

               organisations emerge for a common cause which was seen as important by the founders who built it!
                 Lets talk about few founders, if we take the car industry we first remember sir Henary Ford, whose cars are still one of the best.

               when we talk about one the earliest inventions of vehicles,we should remember the great Macmillan, who created the first bicycle, which is now the most eco-friendly vehicle.

               Another important invention was the light bulb by Sir Thomas Edison, well the list is endless.
               One common truth is that we need to catch is, these inventors were simple men like you and me, and if you read about their life, they were less fortunate than us, and sulked in poverty and other problems.

                But there was a spark that kept them going, what we, the current generation lack is this spark.It is the spark of self confidence,self motivation, the urge to achieve, risk taking ability, and being selfless.
                 To develop this spark there is only one person who can help you that's you?! Surprised? Please don't be unless you have a clear motive,and start doing something from scratch, you cannot become an inventor.

            Now to the part that always leaves me wondering, and these are facts,
all inventions, are considered and have been used by man in one way or the other, the world survives on inventions which enable the flow of new ideas.

             The organisations are also brilliant, and are equally important,
the makers of this huge goal-oriented        firms are to be saluted, as they have generated jobs,to so many people who work in there.

              To conclude, let's all aim to create one new thing each day, rather than just stick to our books,and learn nothing at the end, because our creativity determines, the survival of this eco-system.who knows one day we make become the founder of a great organization or a great inventor, let's keep trying from today.

                Thanks for your time, a very good morning to all,enjoy your day.

1 comment:

journo_murthy said...

excellent, the thoughts as well as the presentation.the next wheel, my young man, is the rediscovery of wheel as a thinker put it. and the axis of that wheel---- meditate and find out.

Tussle- Story about a fight.

Hello Readers   I hope you all are doing great; it has been a long time since I wrote a blog, I have been a bit busy, but it is a great fe...